Knowledge Base Article
Blackjet, I am glad to hear you are using the product and am here to assist you so that you may do it successfully. Since the Error message itself lists mitigation steps I will proceed assuming those are already corrected or true and you need additional assistance.
The log quoted should hopefully point you to the missing capability of the role assigned for the user you have created. I see it appears to be a domain user so the useradmin command is different from user add in that you need to use domainuser add like so:
domainuser add <user_name> [options]
delete [options]
list [options]
load <filename>
when you have that user you need to use the role flag to add the roles containing the capabilities needed as listing in the Admin Guide.
From the message it appears you are missing the capability for login:
See the Symantec Data Insight Administrator's Guide shipped with the product installation media starting on page 67)
role add <role_name> [options]
modify <role_name> [options]
delete <role_name> [options]
list [options]
Alternatively you could add the user to a group that already contains the appropriate capabilities like Administrators, Backup Operators, etc.
group add <group_name> [options]
modify <group_name> [options]
delete <group_name> [options]
list [options]
Filer> useradmin domainuser add haldomain\NetApp -g "Administrators"
SID = S-#-#-##-1<snip>
Domain User <haldomain\NetApp> successfully added to Administrators.
REF: pg 76
Ensure the user is added using
useradmin domainuser list -g Administrators
A list with the SIDs of the configured domain users appears. To resolve the
SIDs, run the following command:
cifs lookup SID
As well if that is completed you potentially need to open the firewall:
Note: For Net App filers - HTTP port 80 (optional), standard RPC ports 139 and 445, and 2049 (TCP,UDP) and 111 (TCP,UDP) for NFS
To test you can simply use the NetApp console to test your user. It should work there and then it will not throw the message.
http://<FQDN of Filer>/na_admin/ and login with your user in the popup box
Additionally you should have created a policy in the filer to validate check with:
fpolicy show matpol
Please let us know if you continue to have issues after rectifying the connection and we can offer other assistance.
If you would rather have personalized attention please start a Symantec Support case where we can assist in debugging your NetApp logs and correcting your configuration of Symantec DataInsight (SDI) to function as expected.
Note: FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name