Knowledge Base Article

Installation of Storage Foundation for Windows High Availability 5.1 SP2

The attached presentation is a walkthrough of a new installation of SFW-HA 5.1 SP2 that includes pre-installation tasks, the installation itself which includes information about licensting, the options, system selection, the installation summary and ends with a brief troubleshooting section.

In the Notes section, please find all of the information that you need to complement the slide deck.

While this slide deck shows SFW-HA 5.1 SP2, the same principles can be used for Veritas Cluster Server for Windows 5.1 SP2 as well, however, some of the options will not be present for the installation selection.

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi Daniel,

    Great document, as I am about to install SFW-HA 5.1 SP2

    I noticed however, that you mention only Windows 2008 R2 CORE edition...

    I have installed my servers with Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Full GUI x64 with SP1 (Released yesterday)  for the SFW-HA 5.1 SP2 installation!

    Please don't tell me that Symantec doesn't support the SFW-HA installation on Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise Full GUI yet?!?

    Hope to hear from you soon!


  • Hello Daniel

    Hope you are fine.First of all i am giving you congr8 for writing this superb article. I am giving you 3 Votes on this work. Its really worth.

    Second: So sfha 5.1 launched the SP2 ?

    Although why i did not get any update on my email regarding the SP2 even i have also subscribed in the


    Any help will be appriciated

  • Hi Daniel, 

    thanx for the pptx. Comes at the right time for us. 

  • I did not subscribe to this post to get updates. My fault.


    Thank you for the compliments. I am glad that folks on the forums are finding this useful.

    Let me address the questions from Fredster and Zahid:

    If the presentation or dialog implied Server Core ONLY, this is not accurate. SFW-HA 5.1 SP2 is supported on Server Core and FULL installations of Windows Server 2008 RTM, SP1, SP2, or R2, including 32-bit (for RTM, SP1, and SP2), and of course 64-bit (RTM, SP1, SP2 and R2 is only available in 64-bit). I hope that this answers your question about that (just about a month or so late :-(). Again, apologies if this is implied in the document.

    I am not sure why the subscription on SORT did not work. If you go to the site, there should be a "Feedback" link on it (it used to be all over the place) that you can relay this information. If there is a specifc area that you subscribed to, let me know and I will see what I can find out internally.

    I am not subscribed to this post so if either of you reply, I should get it and will reply back ASAP.

    On another note, if you found this PPT useful, what other installation / configuration walk throughs would you find useful? We wanted to see how a base installation of SFW and SFW-HA went before getting into the configuration of anything (SQL, Exchange, IIS, GCO, etc.).

    Hope to hear back soon,


  • No Problem at all Daniel,

    I did check back regularly, and found my answer :)



  • On another note, if you found this PPT useful, what other installation / configuration walk throughs would you find useful?


    I think its a good stuff. There are so many people who r beginners and this stuff is very good for those people.



    See my notification subscription details


  • Hi Zahid,

    I have sent the screenshot to the appropriate folks internally. I hope to have some kind of answer soon.


  • While not all that useful for you now, I was told to have you leave feedback while logged into SORT to ask why you did not receive an update when SP2 was released so they could check your specific account details. I guess they need other information that is available from your account when you are logged in.

    I hope that this helps.
