Knowledge Base Article

Intelligent Monitoring Framework (IMF) Whitepaper

With VCS 5.1SP1, we have introduced a new way to monitor applications within a cluster.  This document helps explain the difference from traditional, legacy poll-based monitoring and the new intelligent monitoring framework. By removing the constant monitoring cycle needed in legacy clustering products, there is no additional CPU overhead. In addition, this framework provides instant notification to VCS when a resource goes offline. As a result, action is taken immediately instead of any delay caused by the timing of the monitoring process. With IMF, as soon as an application faults, VCS is alerted and it immediately takes action.  Please review this whitepaper for more information.

Published 13 years ago
Version 1.0

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    The IMF notification module hooks into system calls and other kernel interfaces of the operating system to get notifications on various events such as when a process starts or dies, or when a block device gets mounted or unmounted from a mount point.
    would you kindly through some light on system calls ? means how the notification module gets the benifit by system calls regarding rosource faults detuction. and second kernel interface helps ?
    Question: Does the hooking of notification module in to system calls and kernel interfaces cant take system resources ?