Knowledge Base Article

Example NetBackup bpstart_notify script to take an OpsCenter Server database backup.


Please ensure that you read the entire script header before attempting to use this script.

Also, it is highly recommended that anyone attempting to make use of this script first reads the sections of the NetBackup Admin Guide manuals regarding the configuration and use of 'bpstart_notify' scripts, and also reads the sections of the OpsCenter Admin Guide regarding OpsCenter database backups.

To test this script, one could do the folliwng:

1) Copy to the NetBackup Client binaries folder, e.g.:

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin

...and save it as:

   bpstart_notify.bat         or        bpstart_notify.POLICY_NAME.bat

2) Modify the variable 'z_target' to point to your target OpsCenter database backup target folder.

3) And then test calling it, to make it actually perform an OpsCenter database backup, using:


> bpstart_notify.bat  "my-client" "my-policy" "my-sched" "my-sched-type" "0" "my-result.txt"

4) And then check the log file:

> type bpstart_notify.log

5) Check the results file:

> type my-results.txt



Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
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