Knowledge Base Article

Import tape to first empty slot in a robotic library

Following a discussion in the forum, attached is a pair to scripts to import a tape in the portal to the first empty slot of the library.  It is a refinement of script first posted by JaapT.  This script caters for installations which do not use barcode labels and has less disk I/O's.

These scripts should be placed in the Backup Exec installation directory and can be scheduled using the Windows Scheduler.

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • Great!  I never thought of this.  In my case, I would use 5 minutes as for the AUTO_CANCEL_TIME.  My import occurs in the middle of the night and nobody is around.

  • Excellent script, but I've found that when run without a tape in the I/O slot the job will remain running until manually cancelled. 

    I found that adding a schedule script to the findslot.bat BEMCMD command allows setting the job to auto-cancel after a defined period.

    I've updated findslot.bat as follows:



    bemcmd.exe -a"TS3100" -o80 -S%slot% -fsched.txt
    And created sched.txt as below in the BEX program folder:


  • If you are using BE 2012, then you would need the BEMCLI version of this script which can be found here