Knowledge Base Article

MHVTL on Ubuntu 10.04 with iSCSI support (for testing backup software)


I prepared VMware virtual machine (Workstation 7) with Ubuntu 10.04 x64 Server, MHVTL, SCST, iScsi-scst.
I used scripts, configuration and guides from MHVTL forum.

Some details:
Kernel: updated with scst patches
VLT: Version - 0.18-7, Robot - QUANTUM PX720, Drives - 4x SDLT600
Storage:100GB ext4 LVM, thin provisioned disk (if you want to add more space simply add new disk to VM, resize Logical Volume lv1 and ext4 filesystem)

Testing env.- NetBackup 7.0.1RC1 installed on Windows 2008 x64 R2.
Backup and restore works fine :)))

~385.MB RAR, password: mhvtl_mk

Details about operating system:
IP: (you should to change it in /etc/network/interfaces)
user: user1, password: user1

After reconfiguration open iScsi Initiator and add IP address of VM to configuration, it automaticly detects 5 targets (1 robot and 4 drives)

Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • Thank you Marek. Very useful. I'm going to download it and let you know..
  • Thank You Marek, Thank you very much for the post.

    can you please share the root password of the VTL VM




  • there is no root user for default in ubuntu, use sudo or "sudo su -" to switch to root account

    look at new version of vm:



  • Hi,

    Thanks for the upload, please mention the password to extract the compressed file.