Netbackup Report Script to determine media used by clients
The attached UNIX bash script "media_used_by_clients.txt" is a script I wrote so we could track by server/client what media was used . This gives us a daily history on a per server basis for what tapes are needed in the event of a disaster.
We have this setup in a crontab entry on our master servers. A suggested crontab entry would be:
10 10 * * * if [ -d /usr/openv/netbackup/db ]; then /usr/openv/nbu_scripts/media_used_by_clients > /dev/null 2>&1; fi
This crontab entry ensures that the current server is the master (useful for those with clustered masters). I place my custom scripts in the "/usr/openv/nbu_scripts/" directory ... you can place the script some place else.
Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0