Knowledge Base Article

Script to install Live update Agent on Clients

Hey Guys,

Still using human resources to do netbackup update ?

Just look @ NetBackup Live update. Below mentioned document wil help you to do.

Configure the Live Update Server as per below document.

While following that Document, Step 10 makes you to install Liveupdate agent on each client manually.This can be automated to do for more clients.

Here are some key names used in this Steps:
Clientliveinstaller - Server used to install Live update agent on clients
LIVEUPSERVER - Server which is holding Live Update files and doing live update operation.

1. Download and Extract the Attachment to any of the "Clientliveinstaller".
2. Share that "LiveUpdate" folder with Everyone Full Control; do this in both Share and Security Permissions.
3. Append the server name which requires Live update agent installation to "SERVERS.TXT".
4. Edit below Line in "LU_Install" with your "LIVEUPSERVER" share.
5. Edit the "Live" file with the "Clientliveinstaller" Share name, Live update installation requires 4 files named like below.
6. This batch file ("Live.Bat") will copy the live update agent files to Windows\Temp Directory and execute the "LU_Install.bat" file.
7. Microsoft released system intervals, which helps to do some remote activities on one more clients. "Liveupdate" Folder contains a special file called "psexec.exe" used to execute remote administration tasks. "psexec" is an Microsoft SysInterval.
8. Go to Command prompt on the "Clientliveinstaller" and navigate to "Liveupdate" directory and execute the following command.
E:\LiveUpdate>psexec.exe @SERVERS.TXT -c -u admin Live.bat
9. Provide the Admin user password(admin user must have privilege to install live update agent on all clients),This will execute the Liveupdate Agent installation activity on clients that are listed in the "SERVERS.TXT" file.
10. If psexec command complete with output "error code 0", then commmand successful on all clients; else check the errors in the command logs and re initiate the setup again for the failed servers alone.

After completion of this go to the Symantec Live update Document and follow the "Step 11".

I hope you guys enjoy this Script.

Thanks and feel free to reach me if you face any issues !!!

Published 16 years ago
Version 1.0

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