Knowledge Base Article

sharepoint_check.exe - Configuration Checker.

The utility is intended to check and report the status of following, from the SharePoint Farm. The tool is designed to find out configuration errors and prevent status 2 from occuring while running backup for SharePoint Objects. The tool is widely used by sharepoint backline and frontline engineers at customer side to detect configuration issues. This being public facing will allow the cusomters to run it by themselves, hence preventing some support calls.

1. NFS Service Installed and Running on the system.

2. Check for account credentials for NetBackup Client Service.

3. Check for SharePoint admin account in Host Properties.

4. Check for SharePoint Version compatibility with required .net Framework Version.

5. Check for Replace a Process Level Token Privilege on the account running Netbackup Client Service.

6. Check for Debug Program Privilege on the account running Netbackup Client Service.

7. Check for Publisher's certificate revocation.

8. Check for Server Certificate Revocation.

9. Checks and impersonates the user specified in 'NBU Central Admin -> Host Properties -> Clients -> Window Clients -> Sharepoint'.

10. List out Service Packs installed on SharePoint Server.

The tool would give out useful messages to the user and also refer to specific sections in the NBU SharePoint Admin Guide in case the conflict is found in above checklist. It would show conflicts in RED, so that they are easy to identify and correct


usage :

SharePoint_check [-logonuser | -config | -auto | -timeout [value in seconds] | -help ]

-logonuser : Validates user account used for backup and restore.
-config    : Performs configuration check for SharePoint Agent for NetBackup. This is also the default value.
-auto      : Performs configuration check and also validates user account used for backup and restore.
-timeout   : Sets the timeout value in seconds for the SPSWrapper.exe process. Default is 30 Seconds.
-help      : Displays usage of the tool.


Published 12 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • I downloaded and ran the app. It simply came back to the next line, it did not show errors, nor successful, nor anything. When I ran the -help, it gave nothing more than the same info per arguments that you have on your page. Should we assume that no feedback is implying that it was successful in the validation?

  • Any plans to make this part of a Support-sponsored technical article?

  • New version of SharePoint Check is uploaded that contains the support for SharePoint 2013.

    Please provide your feedback.