Knowledge Base Article

SharePoint Configuration Troubleshooter.

Hey Guys,

I am back with a new tool that helps in troubleshooting Netbackup SharePoint Agent Configurations.

SharePoint Configuration Troubleshooter (SPCT.exe ) is a GUI based tool that will help the support and customers troubleshoot issue related to SharePoint Agent configuration. We need to run it from server specified as backup client in NetBackup policy.

It generates a detailed report on any issues found during the check up, Suggests the troubleshooting steps and points to the NetBackup Admin Guide Section to do it. This tool is widely used by backline and frontline engineers to troubleshoot SharePoint Enviornments.


DISCLAIMER - This is a not a official released tool by symantec.





Starting the troubleshooter for SharePoint Agent.


Checking Configurations for SharePoint Server : node3


            NBU Verion and Patch Level :


-- Checking for account credentials for Netbackup Client Service.

            The Netbackup Client Service on host is running as : spfarm\administrator


-- Checking Host Properties for this client -

            Host Properties for server is set as : spfarm\cft


-- Validating User Account specified in 'NBU Central Admin -> Host Properties -> Clients -> Window Clients -> Sharepoint'

            User Account   - spfarm\cft


            -- Attempting LogonUser.

            LogonUser() is successful for user account : spfarm\cft


            -- Trying to Impersonate User.

            Successfully impersonated user account :  spfarm\cft


-- Checking for SharePoint version compatibility With .Net framework version.

            SharePoint 2010 is installed on this machine, Version and Patch Level : 14.0.6029.1000


-- Looking for minimum required .net version (3.5)

            Minimum required .Net version is installed


-- Checking for Allow Logon on Locally privilege for account - spfarm\cft.

            Allow Logon on Locally privilege : The account the required Privilege.


-- Checking for Replace Process Level Token privilege for account - spfarm\cft.

            Replace a Process Level Token privilege : The account has the required Privilege.


-- Checking for Log on as a service privilege for account - spfarm\cft.

            Log on as a service privilege : The account has the required Privilege.


-- Checking for Publisher's Certificate Revocation in Internet Explorer.

            Publisher's Certificate Revocation is : CHECKED

            This can casue the backups to fail with status 2 on slow network connections.

            Please UNCHECK 'Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> Check for publisher's certificate revocation'


-- Checking for Server Certificate Revocation in Internet Explorer.

            Server Certificate Revocation is : CHECKED

            This can casue the backups to fail with status 2 on slow network connections.

            Please UNCHECK 'Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> Check for Server Certificate Revocation'


-- Executing command : gpresult /R /SCOPE USER /USER spfarm\cft on host : node3


Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Operating System Group Policy Result tool v2.0

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-2001


Created On 3/7/2014 at 5:45:56 PM




RSOP data for SPFARM\cft on NODE3 : Logging Mode



OS Configuration:            Member Server

OS Version:                  6.1.7600

Site Name:                   N/A

Roaming Profile:             N/A

Local Profile:               C:\Users\cft

Connected over a slow link?: No






    Last time Group Policy was applied: 3/3/2014 at 4:38:58 PM

    Group Policy was applied from:

    Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps

    Domain Name:                        SPFARM

    Domain Type:                        Windows 2000


    Applied Group Policy Objects




    The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out


        Default Domain Policy

            Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)


        Local Group Policy

            Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)


    The user is a part of the following security groups


        Domain Users







        NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users

        This Organization


        Domain Admins

        Denied RODC Password Replication Group

        High Mandatory Level


Checking Configurations for Backend Server : node3


-- Checking for status of Network File System Service.

            Client for NFS service is installed and Running.


Checking Configurations on default Master Server : node3


            Suggested Distributed Application Restore Mapping for this SharePoint Farm.


                        Application Host                                  Component Host

                        This appears to be a standalone installation of SharePoint.


-- Farm Details


            Servers in the Farm are listed below.


            Default Master Server :

            Frontend Server : node3

            Backend Server : node3


-- Trying to dry launch spswrapper.exe with user account :  spfarm\cft

            SPSWrapper.exe process successfully launched.

            SPSWrapper.exe would run for 30 seconds. Look in Task Manger to verify.

            Please make sure that above user account is a added in Farm Administrator list in SharePoint.

            Failing which the backups could fail with status 2 or it can result in absence of Microsoft SharePoint Resources node in BAR Gui


Please correct issues marked in RED and then check again. Thank You.


Video Reference.

How to configure sharepoint Agent for NetBackup :



Trouble-shooter Configuration Check is Complete. Thank You.



Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0

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  • Hello, Gaurav.
    Congratulations by your posts are interesting and useful.
    We have a problem in a backup to Share Point with NetBackup 7.6, where the error 71 occurs.
    We have already seen the connectivity, perform test with the commands "bpclntcmd" and "bpcdtest" we find logs with high verbosity and can't identify the source of the problem.
    Perform its "Sharepoint Checker" in version 2014 and the 2015 version (see attached results), both showed different problems, but these problems have been checked and are ok, can you help us investigate this problem?
    P.S. We have an open call in the symantec support.
    Thank you.

  • There would be a spct.error file generated in the directory from where the tool was run. Please upload the file.

  • The tools crashed.

    i did launched the tool as administrator.

  • Hi!

    Did you run this tools on a cmd box with "run as administrator"

    In my case, a server with Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard it's executed perfectly.

  • When i run the utility giving error, Please check error in attachment.