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AI-Powered Anomaly Detection with NetBackup

Dowardw's avatar
Level 1
4 years ago

It is no secret that enterprises are concerned with ransomware. Every day we read about companies who have been hacked, and their data has been held for ransom or threatened with exposure of sensitive data. Modern businesses are beginning to understand the importance of interconnected operations to get the full picture of their environments in the face of security threats such as ransomware and bad actor situations. Enterprises are being forced to respond to fast-moving changes in data promptly, especially in case of ransomware threats.  

Anomaly detection - the ability to identify unexpected events that occur outside the norm, can be a key for solving such intrusions, while detecting changes - disruptions of normal behavior that indicate the presence of intended or unintended events. Why is this important: Understanding changes to the environment can give your teams insights and an early warning system into steps they may need to address security challenges.  

As part of Veritas' commitment to empowering customers with ransomware resilience, NetBackup 9.1 introduces AI-powered Anomaly Detection using backup metadata to inhibit the potential devastation caused by a ransomware attack.

Figure 1 - NetBackup dashboard with a quick overview of Anomaly Detection

Veritas approaches anomaly detection reliability recognizes that the goal is to ensure security for mission-critical data, provide insights that ensure they are not compromised by ransomware, and provide actionable information for backup administrators to address changes in their environment. Veritas NetBackup 9.1 anomaly detection also recognizes that reliability and insight should be simple, easy to use, and extensible to derive the greatest value. NetBackup 9.1 gives administrators the ability to view data and recommendations associated with anomalies at any time by leveraging all your devices to stay on top of issues as they arise.

Figure 2 – NetBackup summary view of detected anomalies

Veritas recognizes enterprises need to be empowered with a solution that can identify data points, events, and actions outside of the expected data behavior patterns of a given set of information at the edge, the core, or the cloud.

What is available: 

Veritas NetBackup 9.1 with Anomaly Detection support offers an artificial intelligence-based approach that processes NetBackup job metadata patterns and informs the administrator of possible outliers in the data, i.e. anomalies detected. This provides an observation that not falling in the cluster can be considered an anomaly or outlier. The detection engine calculates a parameter based on the historical data available after a certain frequency. This offers flexibility and reduction of false positives.

Figure 3 - Ability to report anomaly as a false positive

The rich Web UI provides the ability to reliably report anomalies based on several criteria, such as the

  • JobID – The ID number of jobs for which Anomaly was detected.
  • Client name – Name of the client on which this anomaly was detected.
  • Policy type – The type of policy for which anomaly was detected.
  • Count – Number of anomalies in this job
  • A score – This is an anomaly score. A higher number indicates the anomaly is of a higher severity the anomaly is. This is the distance to the nearest cluster from the anomaly observation on a standard deviation scale.
  • Summary – This indicates the anomalies reported under this job.
  • Received – This is the date on which the anomaly was received.
  • False-positive – This indicates whether a false positive has been reported or not.




NetBackup 9.1 anomaly detection engine seamlessly integrates into the NetBackup primary server and is included and requires minimal configuration. A backup architect or security administrator can see anomalies and drill down to identify any concerns impacting the organization.

The NetBackup 9.1 Anomaly Detection Engine offers the ability to mine enormous amounts of data and provide actionable intelligence to address ransomware events or just changes in the environment that an administrator needs to be aware of. The intelligence engine will automatically adjust to custom backup policies to reduce false-positive anomaly indicators. Fully automated with the ability to reduce false positives that will learn over time allows enterprises to feel confident in their environment.

Figure 5 - Providing a deeper level of information in security events

To learn more about this exciting new feature, visit our NetBackup Ransomware page on 

Updated 4 years ago
Version 1.0
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