Forum Discussion

Michael_Walsh's avatar
15 years ago

Change ip adress now it states secondary is not part of RDS

I change the ip adresses from name to ip numbers and now it states seconday is not part of RDS.  Any help?

Other isssues paursed due network disconnect when netork is fine.  Thats why I tried to change the names to IP's.  Additionaly does anyone now help to get the thruput up.

1 Reply

  • Hi Michael,

    You did not mention what OS you are working on.  I'm a windows guy, so I'm going to go from that point.

    From both VVR Primary and VVR Secondary you need to run the following command:

       vxprint -VPl               (that is a lower case L at the end.)

    Then compare the local host/IP and remote host/Ip entries from both sites.  From the VVR primary the remote host/IP will be the local host/IP on the VVR secondary and vise versa.  I'm guessing that these are not matching between the two sites.   

    This can be change manually using the "vxrlink" command.  if you run just vxrlink at a command prompt it will give you the syntax.  There is 1 syntax to change the local host/IP and one to change the remote host/IP  and they need to be run on the correct server (primary or secondary.)  From you saying that the network disconnects, I would guess that the VVR secondary did not have the local and remote host/IP entries updated.

    The syntax may be slightly different on Unix and Linux versions of the product.   If you need assistance with making the above changes please open a case with Symantec Technical Support.

    There are a lot of items that come into play when trying to increase the throughput of your replication link.  I would recommend that you open a case with Symantec Technical Support to help you determine exactly what tuning can be done to help increase throughput for your specific configuration.
