Forum Discussion

atif_munir's avatar
Level 4
19 years ago


I have 6920 attached via 2 ports on my fabric switch. The client is connected via one hba and in this zone both ports of 6920 are there.

Now If i set mpxio-disable="yes"; Then I am getting the disks via 2 paths. and If I set mpxio-disable="no"; then all disks are there on single path.

I am a bit confused how to handle mpxio-disable="no"; is used where we have two hba's.

Kindly help.

1 Reply

  • Hi there:

    If you don't disable mpxio, you should see both physical paths to the drive with commands like format. If you enable mpxio, you should see one path only, hiding the two physical paths underneath.

    Try luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c.........................s2 to see both paths underneath and their status.