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Inside Veritas

Veritas Heathrow hosts a fundraiser for A Gift for Teaching

EliasA's avatar
6 years ago

Members of Heathrow's GIVE Employee Resource Group following the latest breakfast fundraiser for A Gift for Teaching.On September 11th and 13th, Veritas’ Heathrow Employee Resource Group, Giving at Veritas Empowered – GIVE – hosted a breakfast fundraiser in support of the Back-to-School Supply Drive, raising $1,021 in donations.

All proceeds from the fundraiser were donated to A Gift for Teaching – a local organization dedicated to providing resources and surplus materials free to teachers for students in need.

Breakfast fundraisers have become a staple at the Veritas Heathrow Campus, led by ERG Champions from our BLEVE, GIVE, HOLA, PAVE, REVIV, SAVE, and WAVE groups. The menu – complete with bacon, eggs, sausage, and waffles – continues to be well-received by attendees. And all items are prepared on-site by our volunteers, making Heathrow breakfasts an accessible opportunity to make a difference.

Behind the scenes, there’s a lot of work that goes into supporting ongoing philanthropic efforts by our ERG Champions, from shopping for event supplies and preparing the space, to food preparation and clean-up efforts. These fundraisers are successful because of the passion of our ERGs and #TeamVtas Heathrow. Thank you all for your continued dedication and support.

Stay tuned for the next Heathrow breakfast fundraiser, expected in early-December 2018. #LifeAtVeritas is good!

#GIVE #VCares


Updated 6 years ago
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