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Backup Exec Technical Support - Partner Newsletter - 1st Edition - Nov 2016

Terry_Pollard's avatar
8 years ago


Hi Partners,

Welcome to the first newsletter from the Backup Exec Support Team. With your feedback we hope to make this a regular update that provides you with everything you need to know about all things Technical Support and show you how your feedback is helping to drive service and product improvements.

Investments and Improvements

Veritas continues to invest in people, process and technology in order improve the overall Customer support experience, here are some of the key initiatives:

  • People
    • Continued investment in the past year to train and upskill TSEs supporting Backup Exec
    • Aligned BE Support Delivery under one leader
    • Investing every quarter to expand TSEs product and technical knowledge
  • Process
    • Modified case handoff procedures
    • Reduced escalations to 1.2% of global monthly case volume
    • Enhanced call/case routing … improving average speed of answer
    • Improving the Case handling process
  • Technology
    • Reducing customer effort with WebFirst
    • Making it easier for TSEs to diagnose and resolve customer issues
    • Improved phone quality for APJ and US Customers


Online Support Improvements – WebFirst

At the recent inaugural Veritas Vision conference, the Veritas Support Solutions (VSS) Customer Experience team had a “Design Your Support Experience” booth where Customers had the opportunity to learn about the future WebFirst plans and share their feedback. WebFirst will unify a number of different sites, including Support, MyVeritas and the Licensing Portal, into a single experience:

  • The Primary focus was around Online Support capabilities
    • Knowledge Search and Self Help
    • Case Creation and Case Management
    • New consolidated Support site layout and navigation
  • The team presented a “rich interaction” prototype
    • Functional facets to demonstrate Search capabilities
    • Simplified Case Creation and Management capabilities
    • New home page with clickable navigation to 2nd level pages (Based upon customer feedback and industry research)
  • Key Customer and VSS takeaways
    • Value in unified Support Home page
    • Search and information retrieval are front and centre for all online support interactions
    • Personalization options are a Customer favorite
    • Proactive Support and simplicity in support case communication
    • More emphasis on auto-creation/resolution of cases rather than tracking and managing
    • Ability to ask technical expert a question or get a pointer to avoid opening a case/calling
    • Early Customer involvement in design process a clear positive!- Customers were pleasantly surprised that Veritas is engaging them early in the design process
    • Willing to help with testing or feedback as design gets updated


BE Certification Program - Sales Enablement

With the launch of Backup Exec 16, we’ve updated the Veritas Sales Expert (VSE) and Veritas Sales Expert Plus (VSE+) learning tracks. Partners can deepen their Backup Exec 16 selling skills with online training through Learn Central.

Accreditation is also available: the Veritas Partner Force program requires Mid-Market Backup and Recovery competency Partners (whether at Principal or Expert level) to hold two VSE and two VSE+ accreditations at the current version or one version back. As we have now released the VSE and VSE+ for Backup Exec 16, the accreditations for Backup Exec 2014 have expired, and Partners have until next April to take the new exams.

Log into PartnerNet today, and launch LearnCentral to take the online class and accreditation exam and join the 39 Partners already certified in BE 16.


The VSE track is currently active and the VSE+ track will be live as of December 01st 2017

The Certification path remains a true benefit for Partners:

  • Partner managers report 51%-100% improvement in their team’s ability to sell more Veritas Products/Solutions.
  • Partner managers report 51%-100% improvement in their team’s overall performance.
  • Partner managers report 51%-100% improvement in their team’s ability to design and manage their IT environment.

For more details on the Certification program please visit the Education pages on

The Survey Process for Closed Cases

In an effort to continually improve your support experience we’re always looking for your feedback as your opinion is extremely important to us. When a case is closed Veritas invites you to provide feedback regarding your recent interactions by providing you with a survey invitation from Satmetrix - Satmetrix is managing the process of gathering customer feedback on behalf of Veritas.

The questionnaire asks you to rate the performance of the Support Team, the Product and MyVeritas.

Please continue to send us your feedback and if you’re not receiving the survey links then please let us know by speaking to the owner of your open case or by contacting Customer Care.

BE 16 Podcasts

In addition to all the great content on PartnerNet (via LearnCentral) have you seen some of the podcasts we’ve created for BE 16?  From ‘What’s new in BE16’ through to ‘Cloud Integration’ and ‘Instant Recovery’ we’ve got it covered with more podcasts to follow. Using the instructions and xml in the box folder you can quickly and easily download, view and share the podcasts using ITunes.

The Escalation Process

If at any time in the lifecycle of your case you are not satisfied with the level of service you have received, or want to emphasise the urgency of the problem, the Escalation Process will quickly connect you with a Manager that will help bring your issue to closure. Features include:

  • Consistent, worldwide problem resolution process
  • Formal action planning process
  • Specific roles and responsibilities for Escalation Team members
  • Active customer participation

License Portal Improvements

On Nov 5th the License Portal was updated to remove the requirement to return license keys meaning you can now generate keys as you need without the need to first return license keys. We also created a BE 16 upgrade demo video on YouTube and an upgrade document on the support site which was included as a link in the version upgrade notice sent to customers.


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Updated 8 years ago
Version 3.0
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