[IT ANALYTICS] DB Installer (Oracle Included) WIN not working!
When trying to install the DB with Oracle included required to install the portal, the installer requires me to accept the terms and conditions of use. The issue being, the terms do not appear! Meaning i cant accept them after reading. System info attached. Tried on version 11.2 and 11.3 Can someone help me please?1.5KViews0likes13Comments[IT Analytics] Difficulty finding/creating Policy Reports
Hi Guys! I have been using IT Analytics and really enjoying the new report and dashboard possibilites, but i am having some difficulties with creating reports that were easily available in OpsCenter. Some of them i was able to generate with the aid of the ITAnalytics Library, but for policies in specific i found no success. The one that was available was not working. Also, the ITA Default Policy Summary doesnt come up with the success %, sadly. I have a policy type success rate report, but i need one for each policy. The OpsCenter Policy Summary had it.... Here are the two main reports i really need help creating: * Top 10 Policies Using most Server Space * Policy Summary Dashboard By the way, is there any collection of reports that were available on OpsCenter for import/similar on IT Analytics? Thank you!1.4KViews1like5CommentsAPTARE Consumption Reporting for NBU Accelerator-enabled Policies
We Use NBU 812 and 82 as well as APTARE reporting. We also use quite a few Acclereator enabled policies. With NBU accelereator, all increnmetnal jobs are reported as a full: https://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100038344 Thus, when APTARE picks up this data for consumption, it completely skews the data - since its picking up every incr. as a full image size... And while APTARE certainly has the accelereator bytes sent filed that I can add to a job summary, the canned consumption report does not take this into considreation nor can you really modify it to add the accelreator bytes sent as the consumption... this it takes every job's incr size as the full and the consumption is way overblown because of the use of acclerator... What SHOULD be happening is a global option in NBU itself (under master server properites) to report Acclereator incrs as the incremtnal size / bytes transfered (nbu just converts the backup into what would be the actual incr size) thus APTARE or any other reporting tool does not have to care about it being Acclerator enabled or not) but this sadly does not exist, so you have to use the reporitng tool to covnert it for you.... So, for any other APTARE users out there, how have you delt with consumption for accelreator enabled policies? Anyone have a report they wouldn't mind sharing?1.3KViews0likes0Comments