Netbackup Upgrade Help
HI, I am a support engineer, I have limited knowledge about NBU. Don't go harsh on me for asking stupid questions. I have shared the environment details for a client who are planning an upgrade. Lucky for them, I have to do the upgrade. Environment details: PRIMARY SITE: A virtual NetBackup Master Server based upon NBU version 8.1.2 (OS LINUX). A NBU Appliance 5240 configured as a Media Server based upon NBU version 8.1.2 and Appliance version 3.1.2. MSDPis configured on the media appliance. DISASTER RECOVERY SITE: ANBU Appliance 5240 configured as a Master-Media Server based upon NBU version 8.1.2 and Appliance version 3.1.2. Via auto image replication working on one to one model NBU replicates the backup copies from PR site to DR site. Lets suppose we are upgrading to NBU 9.0, Now the questions are, Firstly I will update the master server to NBU 9.0. If the prerequisites check clears. all is good and I should proceed to upgrade the master server and move onto the media appliance. Is that how it goes? The media appliance is based upon NBU appliance version 3.1.2 so upgrading the appliance version to 4.0 would automatically upgrade the NBU version in it from 8.1.2 to 9.0. Is the NBU version bundled in the appliance version or do I have to upgrade it separately? At the DR site when upgrading the NBU appliance to appliance version 4.0, would it update the master and media server NBU versions in it to 9.0 or if I have to update NBU version separately would the media and master server both be updated from the same package? Should I run the AURA (Appliance Upgrade Readiness Analyzer) tool on both PR and DR appliances before upgrading them? Can I downgrade if something goes wrong? MarianneNicolaiRiaanBadenhorstPlease help, thanking in anticipation.Solved1.3KViews0likes2CommentsFirst Mount date changed in netbackup
In Veritas NetBackup, for a single media first mount date has been changed, while other media date is still same. For Example , I take two media. Media A has first mount date 07/07/2015 and media B has 10/06/2018, while first time backup on both media was taken on 07/07/2015. Please describle me the process and database entry for the same or share the reference from I can learn about the same.Solved1.9KViews0likes9Comments