Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesMigrating VMware workloads to Azure? NetBackup keeps your business protected! Thinking about migrating your VMware infrastructure to Microsoft Azure? Ensure your VMs are always designated to be backed up. Introducing Day 0 support for AVS using Veritas NetBackup! Maximizing resiliency and portability in Azure Stack NetBackup 8.3 enhances resiliency for your Microsoft Azure Stack Hub, providing automated, orchestrated resiliency to meet your most stringent recovery point and time service level objectives. Using AWS as a Recovery Site with NetBackup and Resiliency Platform NetBackup 8.3 extends the capability to back up from a data center to AWS S3 in a deduplicated format by adding the option of recovering that workload into an EC2 virtual machine. Optimizing cloud adoption: Unified deduplication with NetBackup MSDP Direct Cloud Tiering In NetBackup 8.3, we’ve built on CloudCatalyst technology to add native cloud-tiering service to a standard NetBackup MSDP server, called NetBackup MSDP Direct Cloud Tiering.