NetBackup and Pure Storage Faster//Better
Today, most business-critical applications run on high-performance all-flash storage arrays. The same forces that drive business to demand high performance from their applications apply to data protection operations. In fact, the stakes are even higher. Denial of service attacks, ransomware, even cloud service availability drive requirements for data protection to be fast. Before challenges to application availability appear, IT professionals need fast data protection. When disaster strikes, business demands that applications return to operation right away. Veritas NetBackup™ offers data protection for every workload, every infrastructure type and use cases that include Hybrid Multi-Cloud, Ransomware resilience and instant access to protected data. It is a comprehensive data protection solution that includes everything an IT Professional needs in the field of data protection- Storage Lifecycle Policies, Efficient use of data storage, Security, Application Portability. Pure FlashArray//C provides a 100% NVMe all-flash foundation for capacity-oriented applications, test and development workloads, multisite disaster recovery, and data protection. With FlashArray//C, you can scale up to 7.3PB effective storage in three- to nine-rack units. Maximize results and flexibility for high-capacity applications on-premises and easily connect to the cloud. FlashArray//C has the power to simplify everything: Your hardware, software, and cloud management experiences are codesigned to make everything work. Veritas and Pure have teamed up to make it simple to add the blinding speed of Pure FlashArray//C to NetBackup! Pure and Veritas have validated NetBackup configured with the Pure Storage FlashArray//C. Together, NetBackup and FlashArray//C accelerate not only backup operations, but also return to option functions, audit, and instant access use cases. Figure 1. Veritas NetBackup with Pure Storage FlashArray//C. Integration of NetBackup with FlashArray//C was accomplished using seven easy steps: Physically connect the volumes to the desired platform, such as ESXi server. Creation of volumes on FlashArray//C and connection to ESXi hosts. Attach disks to the virtual machines. Scan of devices on host’s platform and/or operating system. Format and mounting of devices. Allocate devices as targets for MSDP for both data and metadata. Test and validate. Figure 2. NetBackup, FlashArray//C and VMware architecture. Although FlashArray//C offers support for multiple protocols, the solution only utilized FC and iSCSI. The main tests involved configuration, deployment, and basic functional testing (simple backup and restore of a filesystem workload) of NetBackup with FlashArray//C using FC protocol. In addition, tests were conducted to understand the storage efficiency effects on NetBackup deduplication and compression with FlashArray//C “always on” deduplication and compression features. NetBackup GENDATA tools were used to generate the files to backup. Both NetBackup and FlashArray//C have deduplication and compression enabled by default. Having both enabled does not affect overall storage efficiency of this combined solution. In some scenarios where NetBackup is not able to achieve deduplication, such as fingerprints for comparison is not in physical memory of the media server and if using FlashArray//C as target storage for multiple media servers, then further data reduction may be achieved on the FlashArray. As a best practice, keep the default settings for compression on NetBackup for deduplicated data. For more information, please visit Solution Day Sydney: Veritas and Pure Storage Partnership – Three Key Highlights
Veritas’David Noy, Global Vice President, Product Management speaks about the three key components of the new partnership between Veritas and Pure Storage are; Pure Storage has invested into a data hub architecture and is looking to become an aggregator for big data workloads and therefore needs a partner to help back up these workloads. Veritas has the pedigree to scale for big data backups. Pure Storage has an extremely fast disk storage array and it works with Veritas for fast restores. Pure Storage is working with Veritas to utilise the archiving solution for long-term retention, for static data that needs to be stored for long periods of time, this helps for a better total cost of ownership for customers.997Views0likes0CommentsVision Solution Day Sydney: Veritas & Pure Storage Partnership – Advancing Enterprises in Australia
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