How to identity Status of a backup using Netbackup CLI ?
I launch 'bpbackup' command in my program and it just gives the return code. There is no way to know the corresponding JobId. Before I launch the next backup, I want to check the status of the Previous backup and make some decision. 'bpimagelist' command can be used with 'keyword' as filter so that I can search my backup job uniquely. Problem is, it only lists the Successful backups. 'bpdbjobs' command can be used to list out all jobs (successful, failed, in progress) but there is no way to uniquely find the backup job because it does not support filtering the result with 'keyword' attribute. Also Want to filter the status of individual client what I still not able to get using bpdbjobs. Any help is highly appreciated. DebSolved6.3KViews0likes5CommentsLow Scratch Script
Hello, I am looking for a Script or way to monitor our scratch poolto send an alert(email) when remaining available tapes reach a threshold of 8. We are running NB I am New to the Netbackup world any advice or direction would be appreciated. ThanksSolved2.6KViews2likes7CommentsMonitoring unfinished replication progress
Hello Have somebody found a way to monitor the progress of unfinished replication ? Know there is some reports in OpsCenter, but they all seem be on the complete images. Where I am looking for: Kilobytes transferred, number of fragments transferred or simllar to tell me how far a long the image in progress is. Have looked at nbstlutil/nbstl list options, the support site, connect and of course google search without luck. Regards Michael1.5KViews1like16CommentsNetBackup "Status of Backups" report generating for 6 days only
Hi All, We have a master server based on Solaris platform(6.5.6 version). I know we need to upgrade it to 7.x. :) We were trying to genearate a months backup status report and its showing only 6 days record but when we are running "Client Backups" report, it generating all possible data. Can someone please help me understand why is it so and how to fix it? Earlier, "Status of Backups" report was working fine. Thanks. Best Regards, DanSolved1.7KViews0likes5CommentsOpscenter Custom Report to exclude few error codes
Hi Team, I already have an opscenter cutom report with below columns as part of the report. Now I need to exclude few error codes from this report, in the very first tab of the edit report section just let me filter once on status code parameter. Is it possible to achieve it? Client Name Policy Name Schedule Name Job Start Time Job End Time Job Duration Job File Count Post Deduplication Size(MB) Status Code Job Status Now when checked the sql query on this report from "Show Report Query" i gave me a query which I tried to run from run sql query section of report creation but it throws the error "OpsCenter-10881:Failed to execute specified SQL-- SQL Anywhere Error -143: Column 'connection_level_dst_global_query_for_bigint' not found." I tried so because i tought I can exclude error codes through below query which is the edited original query. select TOP 100 START AT 1 domain_JobArchive.clientId as "domain_JobArchive.clientId",NOM_DateDiff(domain_JobArchive.startTime, domain_JobArchive.endTime) as "JobDuration",domain_JobArchive.filesBackedUp as "domain_JobArchive.filesBackedUp",domain_MasterServer.friendlyName as "domain_MasterServer.friendlyName",domain_JobArchive.policyName as "domain_JobArchive.policyName",domain_JobArchive.scheduleName as "domain_JobArchive.scheduleName",adjust_timestamp_dst(domain_JobArchive.startTime ) as "domain_JobArchive.startTime",adjust_timestamp_dst(domain_JobArchive.endTime ) as "domain_JobArchive.endTime",domain_JobArchive.bytesWritten as "domain_JobArchive.bytesWritten",(case when domain_JobArchive.state =106 then 3 when domain_JobArchive.state =3 and domain_JobArchive.statusCode =0 then 0 when domain_JobArchive.state =3 and domain_JobArchive.statusCode =1 then 1 when domain_JobArchive.state =3 and domain_JobArchive.statusCode>1 then 2 else -1 end) as "jobExitStatus",domain_JobArchive.statusCode as "domain_JobArchive.statusCode" from domain_JobArchive , domain_MasterServer where = domain_JobArchive.masterServerId and ( (domain_JobArchive.isValid = '1') ) AND ( ( (domain_JobArchive.endTime BETWEEN '136645617124190000' AND '136672437124190000') ) AND ( (domain_JobArchive.scheduleId NOT IN (-2147483633 )) ) AND ( (domain_JobArchive.statusCode NOT IN (174,288,196,50,811 )) ) AND ( ((case when domain_JobArchive.state =106 then 3 when domain_JobArchive.state =3 and domain_JobArchive.statusCode =0 then 0 when domain_JobArchive.state =3 and domain_JobArchive.statusCode =1 then 1 when domain_JobArchive.state =3 and domain_JobArchive.statusCode>1 then 2 else -1 end) NOT IN (-1 )) ) AND ( ( (domain_JobArchive.masterServerId IN (61,22437 )) ) ) ) ORDER BY "domain_JobArchive.startTime" ASC Please suggest. Thanks SidSolved2.7KViews0likes15CommentsView Volume Groups From CLI
Hello, I am trying to figure out to view the contents of a particular Volume Group from the CLI? Or I would like to view what Volume Group a particular tape is assigned to? Are either of these possible or only avaliable in the GUI? Thanks DanielSolved2.4KViews0likes5CommentsBPIMAGELIST - Output desired fields from image DB (Windows)
NBU W2K8R2 Hi all, I saw a great artical from Andy Welburn advising how best to use bpimagelist with awk to output the desiered fields from the image database on UNIX; DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output? Elapsed time is one of the output fields.... Also, bpimagelist -L will give these fields in a more readable form. You could be looking at a lot of output so may want to "filter" your results somehow! e.g. bpimagelist -l -d 06/07/2011 00:00:00 -e 06/08/2011 00:00:00 -client client | awk '/^IMAGE/ {print $2, $7, $15}' will produce output only of client name, policy & elapsed time (seconds) for backups between those times. I'm looking for the equivilent tool to manipulate the output on Windows and found the nearest option is FINDSTR, but it doesn't quite cut it. It filters the output like grep but theres no controlling what fields from the image database to display. I need to output client name, backup date, schedule, copy number, expiration date and byte count for a number of clients. I find this simple task frustratingly difficult in the unlicensed (currently) version of Ops Centre. Any help appreciated. MattSolved5.8KViews1like14CommentsNBDeployUtil Batch script
Hello, I am working on creating a BATCH script to run NBDeployUtil. At first this seems like it would be a straightforward process, but I ran in to a snag. Itseems with NBDeployUtil you can set the directory for the --gather command via the--output=directoryargument, but the output file name will still be variable. So when using the --report argument you need the --gather output filename. Is there a way to set the name of the --gather output file, or has anyonefound a way to address vairable --gather output names within a batch file? Thanks in advance for your advice.2.3KViews0likes6Comments