VCS WARNING V-16-10031-8503 NotifierMngr:notifier:monitor:Expected correct SNMP and | or SMTP options
I've got this Warning message in my engine_A.log and NotifierMngr_A.log . My ClusterService is OFFLINE since I've reboot the server. And not possible to PROBE the ressource on any off my two server. any suggestion to remove the warning and/or restart the service will be appreciate. hastatus -sum -- SYSTEM STATE -- System State Frozen A tol031 RUNNING 0 A tol032 RUNNING 0 -- GROUP STATE -- Group System Probed AutoDisabled State B ClusterService tol031 N N OFFLINE B ClusterService tol032 N N OFFLINE B lan tol031 Y N ONLINE B lan tol032 Y N ONLINE B touapf tol031 Y N PARTIAL B touapf tol032 Y N OFFLINE B vxfen tol031 Y N ONLINE B vxfen tol032 Y N ONLINE -- RESOURCES NOT PROBED -- Group Type Resource System E ClusterService NotifierMngr notifier tol031 E ClusterService NotifierMngr notifier tol032 E touapf Application touapfxcamApp tol031 E touapf Application touapfxcamApp tol032 E vxfen CoordPoint coordpoint tol031 E vxfen CoordPoint coordpoint tol032 ps the PARTIAL on may touapf Group is known, nothing to do with my issue.1.5KViews0likes2CommentsProblem with the Oracle VCS 5.1 resource and DetailMonitor = 1
Hi, I am attempting to configure the DetailMonitor = 1 option of the Oracle resource in a service group but am running into LogonUser failed error messages in the Oracle_A.txt file. The issue is with the user / domain and password I am using and, I assume, the inability of VCS to connect to the installed Oracle database I have specified under SID. In an attempt to check this I have attempted to use my own administration account to get this to work but am having no luck, the account in question does work when running "sqlplus / as sysdba" and I am able to run the sql select * from v$database; query that VCS is attempting to execute on the Oracle database. My first question is does anyone know what command is being run by VCS to connect to the database as its not shown in the log files? My second question is does anyone know what I am doing wrong and what permissions will be required by the account VCS uses as I am in a highly locked down environment so have to work within the security framework. Oracle XXX_SG-Oracle { ServiceName = OracleServiceXXX DelayAfterOnline = 30 DelayAfterOffline = 30 DetailMonitor = 1 Domain = "" SID = xxx UserName = xxxxxxxxxx EncryptedPasswd = xxxxxxxxxxx SQLFile = "\"C:\\Program Files\\Veritas\\Cluster Server\\bin\\Oracle\\Check.sql\"" SQLTimeOut = 30 } It should be noted that the resource will work fine with the DetailMonitor = 0. Help :) Regards, PaulSolved1.5KViews0likes4Comments