Doubts on VxVM,VCS Upgrade & root disk encapsulation
Hi All, I have the below queries please 1) In order to stop VxVM to load at system boot time, we need to modify /etc/system file. What entries are to be commented out ? Is it only rootdev:/pseudo/vxio@0:0 set vxio:vol_rootdev_is_volume=1 (OR) also below entries are to be commented out ? forceload: drv/vxdmp forceload: drv/vxio forceload: drv/vxspec 2) My current version of SFHA is 4.1. Once vxfen, gab & llt modules are unloaded to upgrade to 4.1MP2, should i again unload these modules to further upgrade to 5.1SP1 and again to 5.1SP1RP4 (OR) 6.0 ? After each upgrade should i stop the services in /etc/init.d and unload modules (OR) stopping services & unloading modules only once is enough to further upgrade to other versions ? My Plan is to upgrade from 4.1---> 4.1 MP2---> 5.1SP1--->5.1SP1RP4 (OR) 6.0 3) Before upgrading should i also stop & unload the below listed modules 24 12800a8 26920 268 1 vxdmp (VxVM 4.1z: DMP Driver) 25 7be00000 2115c8 269 1 vxio (VxVM 4.1z I/O driver) 27 12a4698 13f0 270 1 vxspec (VxVM 4.1z control/status driver) 213 7b2d7528 c40 272 1 vxportal (VxFS 4.1_REV-4.1B18_sol_GA_s10b) 214 7ae00000 1706a8 20 1 vxfs (VxFS 4.1_REV-4.1B18_sol_GA_s10b) If yes, should i stop & unload after each upgrade (OR) doing it once is enough ? 4) Once the OS comes up with native disks (c#t#d#s#), In order to bring it under VxVM control we need to encapsulate using vxdiskadm. My doubt is will rootdg, rootvol, plexes & subdisks be created automatically? Need a little clarification regarding this please. Response is highly appreciated as always, Thank you very much. Regards, Danish.Solved1.9KViews0likes1CommentHow much space is required in a VxFS file system for the recover file as used by the fscdsconv utility
Hi all, I'm going to migrate a VXVM/VXFS (vers 5.1SP1RP4) volume/file system Solaris Sparc platform to VXVM/VXFS 6.03 Linux 6.5 platform, the file system size is 2TB space, real 1TB.... how much space is required for utility fscdsconv during conversion, there is a formula for this job? Thanks a lot Cecilia1KViews4likes1CommentVxVM Migrate Data and remove the disk
Hello Friends, We have Veritas Volume Manger (4.1) configured in Solaris 10... We have a disk group: where there are two local disks along with several SAN Disks... I am looking for a way to migrate the data/volumes in the local disk to SAN Disks and safely remove the local disks from veritas control.. we can add new disks, if required... Please assist. Regards,Solved3.9KViews0likes5CommentsLUN removal in Solaris 10 10/09 with VxVM 5.1
Hello, I was assigned the removal of 86 unused LUNs in: # uname -a SunOS server 5.10 Generic_142900-09 sun4u sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise # # cat /etc/release Solaris 10 10/09 s10s_u8wos_08a SPARC Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Use is subject to license terms. Assembled 16 September 2009 # # pkginfo -l VRTSvxvm PKGINST: VRTSvxvm NAME: Binaries for VERITAS Volume Manager by Symantec CATEGORY: system ARCH: sparc VERSION: 5.1,REV=10.06.2009.22.05 BASEDIR: / VENDOR: Symantec Corporation DESC: Virtual Disk Subsystem PSTAMP: Veritas-5.1 INSTDATE: Jun 23 2010 15:21 HOTLINE: STATUS: completely installed FILES: 885 installed pathnames 37 shared pathnames 109 directories 372 executables 359788 blocks used (approx) It's been a long time since I worked with VxVM 5.1, but remember that when we see disks like online thinrclm in that version, we needed to implement a special procedure to eliminate first the subdisks (something like reclaim). # vxdisk -oalldgs list | grep -i fas3140 fas31402_0 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_16 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_1 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_17 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_2 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_18 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_3 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_19 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_4 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_20 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_5 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_21 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_6 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_14 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_7 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_22 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_8 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_24 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_9 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_23 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_10 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_25 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_11 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_26 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_12 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_36 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_13 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_27 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_14 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_28 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_15 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_29 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_16 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_30 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_17 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_31 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_18 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_32 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_19 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_15 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_20 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_33 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_21 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_34 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_22 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_35 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_23 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_37 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_24 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_38 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_25 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_39 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_26 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_01 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_27 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_02 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_28 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_03 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_29 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_04 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_30 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_05 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_31 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_06 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_32 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_07 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_33 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_08 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_34 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_09 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_35 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_10 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_36 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_11 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_37 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_12 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_38 auto:cdsdisk SRP400_13 SRP400dg online thinrclm fas31402_39 auto:cdsdisk - 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Thank you!Solved1KViews0likes2Commentsdeleting rlink that's having "secondary_config_err" flag
hello, in my VCS global cluster my ORAGrp resource group is partially online since my rvgres is offline, i am suspecting the issue in the below rlink. i am trying to dissociate thi rlink(below:rlk_sys1-DB-rep_DB_r) and dettach it in order to delete it but i am not able to succeed. below are some output from the system. root@sys2# vxprint -P Disk group: DBhrDG TY NAME ASSOC KSTATE LENGTH PLOFFS STATE TUTIL0 PUTIL0 rl rlk_sys1-DB-rep_DB_r DB_rvg CONNECT - - ACTIVE - - rl rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg DB-rvg ENABLED - - PAUSE - - root@sys2# vxrlink -g DBhrDG dis rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg VxVM VVR vxrlink ERROR V-5-1-3520 Rlink rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg can not be dissociated if it is attached root@sys2# vxrlink -g DBhrDG det rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg VxVM VVR vxrlink ERROR V-5-1-10128 Operation not allowed with attached rlinks root@sys2# vxedit -g DBhrDG rm rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg VxVM vxedit ERROR V-5-1-3540 Rlink rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg is not disabled, use -f flag root@sys2# vxedit -g DBhrDG -f rm rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg VxVM vxedit ERROR V-5-1-3541 Rlink rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg is not dissociated root@sys2# vxprint -Vl Disk group: DBhrDG Rvg: DB-rvg info: rid=0.1317 version=0 rvg_version=41 last_tag=11 state: state=CLEAN kernel=DISABLED assoc: datavols=(none) srl=(none) rlinks=rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg exports=(none) vsets=(none) att: rlinks=rlk_sys1-rep_DB-rvg flags: closed secondary disabled detached passthru logging device: minor=26012 bdev=343/26012 cdev=343/26012 path=/dev/vx/dsk/DBhrDG/DB-rvg perms: user=root group=root mode=0600 Rvg: DB_rvg info: rid=0.1386 version=13 rvg_version=41 last_tag=12 state: state=ACTIVE kernel=ENABLED assoc: datavols=sys1_DB_Process,sys1_DB_Script,... srl=sys1_DB_SRL rlinks=rlk_sys1-DB-rep_DB_r exports=(none) vsets=(none) att: rlinks=rlk_sys1-DB-rep_DB_r flags: closed secondary enabled attached logging device: minor=26014 bdev=343/26014 cdev=343/26014 path=/dev/vx/dsk/DBhrDG/DB_rvg perms: user=root group=root mode=0600 please advise regards1.5KViews0likes4CommentsVeritas Storage Foundation - Volume Disabled After 'rmdisk'
Dear All, I added a LUN to a specific volume and realised that I added it to the wrong volume. To remove the LUN the following command was run : "vxdg -g dg rmdisk vsp-xx-xx" I was then prompted to run the " -k" option to remove the disk. However after re-running the command with the " -k" option : "vxdg -g dg -k rmdisk vsp-xx-xx" ... the volume went into a disabled state. Fortunately no data was lost once the "vxmend" was completed on the volume. I would just like to know if this was to be expected when running the above with the " -k" option ? RegardsSolved2KViews0likes4CommentsCan vxdisk -p list show information from both controllers
I have 2 paths to disks - example: # vxdmpadm -v getportids dmpnodename=hitachi_usp-v0_0c19 NAME ENCLR-NAME ARRAY-PORT-ID pWWN SFG_ID ================================================================ c3tWWN45d5s2 hitachi_usp-v0 5F WWN45 5 c1tWWN55d5s2 hitachi_usp-v0 6F WWN55 6 But when I run vxdisk -p list it gives me information about one of the controllers: # vxdisk -x PORT_SERIAL_NO -x ARRAY_PORT_PWWN -x ARRAY_CTLR_ID -p list hitachi_usp-v0_0c19 DEVICE PORT_SERIAL_NO ARRAY_PORT_PWWN ARRAY_CTLR_ID hitachi_usp-v0_0c19 5F WWN45 5 Even I specify the actual disk path for the "6F" controller, I still get information about 5F controller # vxdisk -x PORT_SERIAL_NO -x ARRAY_PORT_PWWN -x ARRAY_CTLR_ID -p list c1tWWN55d5s2 DEVICE PORT_SERIAL_NO ARRAY_PORT_PWWN ARRAY_CTLR_ID hitachi_usp-v0_0c19 5F WWN45 5 Can I get vxdisk -p list to give me information on the other controller? MikeSolved2KViews1like8CommentsMigrating VxVM volumes from a V240 to a T4-2 Ldom
Hi all, I have a V240 running Solaris 10U08 with VxVM 6.0.000 that I need to migrate to a Solaris T4-2 Ldom (LDM 3.1). I have loaded the software that is in source onto the LDOM and presented the required SAN LUNs that match source into the guest LDOM but when I try to set up a disk (LUN) in VxVM using vxdisksetup I get: "ERROR V-5-2-43 c0d3: Invalid disk device for vxdisksetup". I have tried using vxdisk init c0d3s2 and get: "Disk sector size is not supported" and tried vxdisk init c0d3s2 format=sliced and get: "Disk VTOC does not list private partition" Don't know xhat else to try !!!1.8KViews2likes8CommentsStorage foundation linux - increase lun
Hi All, I am new on storage foundation solution, and also on the company. I have a oracle database running storage foundation and i just need increase a database lun. Do i need to do something on storage foundation configuration? or can i just increase the size by storage side and reboot my linux? The luns is one of resources that storage foundation manage. Thank youSolved2.3KViews0likes3Comments