Infoscale 7.2 Installation on Windows 2012 R2 Successful but RDP Services crash
I am trying to install Infoscale 7.2 in order to Cluster NetBackup 8.0 on a Windows 2012 R2 platform. I am running into an issue where once Infoscale 7.2 installation shows as successfull then RDP access to both nodes gets disabled. I have ran the data collector tool before the installation and found no issues report. The notable thing is the first time i installed Infoscale 7.2 it failed due to some windows update requirements with error "V-72-1-494 installation of Micrsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable x-64 has failed on one or more systems. The issue has occured because one of more required Microsoft Windows updates are not installed on the system." I then procedded to i install the updates and repair the Micrsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable x-64 and install the Infoscale 7.2. I see that the installation is successul, but once system is rebooted, RDP services shutdown. A Case was opened with Microsoft and this is what they have to say: Server was working as expected and running normally and RDP is working fine Once your team install Veritas it’s corrupted the RDP as well registry files We manage to reboot the server again and choose last good known configuration with restore our registry from last good state and resolve our issue where we was able to RDP again After your time once more install Veritas it’s lead to the same issue We manage one more time to make our system up and running using the same trick for choosing last good known configuration At this point we are sure that Veritas application leading the server into our issue. I later on tried reinstalling the OS and doing the installation again but same results again, so i need urgent help if anyone faced this issue, and what they did to resolve it. Thanks3.5KViews0likes5Commentsfile exclusions for MS Exchange 2013 clients
Environment: NetBackup Client v7.7.3 on Windows Server 2012 R2 with MS Exchange Server 2013 CU13 in a four node DAG with four node CAS. NetBackup Master/Media Server v7.7.3 on Appliance 5230 v2.7.3. Backup type: plain NTFS volume\folder\file style backup (we are already excluding the live mailbox database files) . Situation: I have found a folder on disk, and therefore in backups: D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange server\V15\TransportRoles\data\Queue ...which contains a 24GB "mail.que" file and a small "tmp.edb" file and a small "trn.log" file, and a few other related files... which altogether appear to be some form of quasi live binary database/application file set... which typically one might ordinarily consider excluding from backups. There are also, other folders: D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs at 2.3 GB ...and... D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange server\V15\Logging at 12.5 GB . Question: Is it typical, and/or best practice, and/or even required, that these days with MS Exchange 2013 we can/should/must exclude any of these three paths from regular file system backups? D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange server\V15\TransportRoles\data D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs D:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange server\V15\Logging . Thanks in advance.1.2KViews1like4Comments