command line extract files from LTO tape
A remote site has sent me some files on a tape created by backup exec, and I need to extrack the files to disk. I've installed a trial copy of backup exec, but am running into password problems & getting the tape recognized. Is there a simple way to just extract all the file from the tape to disk files. The trial version is installed on a Server2008R2 machine, and I have Win7 & linux workstations available. Thanks for any help1.1KViews0likes3CommentsBackup Exec 2014 Robotic Library setup-configuration
We have backup exec 2014 running on server 2008 which was not configured properly when I came to the company, we have a tape robotic library (quantum scalar 50) which holds 26 tapes. How do I configure backup exec storage to to use all the tapes as one big drive of storage space. Backup exec does show the 26 tape slots, but I haven't been able to configure it successfully. Any thoughts? Thanks. Mitch1.1KViews0likes4CommentsDisaster Recovery
Hello friends i am trying to recover a system with simplified disaster recovery disk but an error occurs during this process "Backup Exec Server cannot authorize the Backup Exec for remote agent running on this computer" can anyone help me? Plz The snapshot is attached.Solved1.3KViews0likes1CommentBackup Exec 2014 Blueprints - Performance Tuning
Dear BE Comunity Team, I need to know the basic workflow to setup backup to tape policy with below requirement Tape Loader 8 Slot 1 drive Number of Tape available 16 LTO 6 6 TB Compreesed mode Total Data Capacity to backup 17,6 TB Policy definition Monthly full backup with 17 Week retention Each Job expected to consume 4 Tape After each job Complected the concerned Tape must be ejected from Library and store offsite i need assistance to setup strategy using Tape Librarry having 8 slot with 1 Drive using 16 LTO 6 media , in order to perfrom monthly Full backup using 4 tape only for each job with 9 week retention ,after job completed i need to know on how to identify thoese media in order to eject them and save them away from production site basically i need to know what the work iam not expert with Backup Exec but i have basic knowlege , Thanking you in advance for your support Farouk1.1KViews0likes1Commentbemcli
Hello all, we plan to migrate our CASO environment from Backup Exec 2010 to Backup Exec 2015 FP5 At the moment our scheduling is be triggered via UC4 and "bemcli" commands. How can we do this in the future after migration - bemcli doesn´t exist anymore. regards Raimar1.4KViews0likes3CommentsWindows 10 System State restore fails
I'm trying to simulate a disaster recovery on a windows 10 system. The only changes to the system beyond a bare Win10 installation were: Skype installed with credentials saved and a registry entry created. I successfully backed up the system two ways: • System state and the c:\ drive with all components saved (Simplified Disaster Recovery enabled was checked) • System state and the c:\drive selected with the c:\temp directory unselected (which prevents SDR from being checked) I restored the system from both backups on top of a bare windows 10 installation. First restore: using the "Complete online restore" + "fully selected backup/disaster recovery". The restore failed with a ton of errors about ProgramFiles\WindowsApps failing due to access denied. This was documented elsewhere as expected because of Win10 permission problems. After restore, both the registry key and Skype were correctly restored. (YAY!) Second restore: using the "Complete online restore" + "System State" I was able to select the c:\ and system state from the 2nd backup (which didn't include c:\temp). The c:\ restore failed with the same access denied issues. The system state restore completed with no errors. After the restore, the file system was properly restore, but the registry WAS NOT restored, and skype would not run properly (because it was not installed). This indicates to me that the System State (at least the registry) DID NOT restore. Any insights? I've run an insane number of simulations and I always get the same results. I've confirmed the group policy for the backup operators is setup properly, I've tried with both "overwrite all files" and "skip if existing files are newer", restoring just the registry separately on top of the other restores, restoring just the registry from the SDR, etc. This is driving me crazy.Solved2.6KViews0likes3CommentsRestore from production- to test environment
Hello, We are struggling with restoring backups from a production system (backup server & vmware ESXi 5.5 hosts) to our test environment (different backup server & vmware ESXi 5.5 hosts). Our systems are physically separated for security reasons, and backups need to be transferred via external drive. Is there any (better) recommended way to do this? The way we are doing it now seems like a LOT of work for such a basic task. We are talking about ~50 virtual servers: The backups are taken in the "traditional" way with agent on each VM, due to problem with BE15 using snapshots (the delay during removal in the snapshots are too long, and causes major issues) We duplicate backups from the production system BE15 server to an external drive & add the DR files manually. We then connect this drive to test environment BE15 server, add the disk, and run an indexing task. After this, we do "Convert to VM from point in time" to recreate the machines on new host(s). It is not an option to run new backups on production system directly to the external disk (this seems to work, for some reason) I was pretty sure this was working when i tested it (long time ago), but today when we were doing restores we don't have the option to do "complete" restores. The "Convert to Virtual from point in time" only shows "System State" as option (with the "edit" button greyed out). If we do traditional restore to overwrite the "old" restored VM's in the test environment, then we only have "Complete online restore > Active Directory, ADAM, etc" under options; no "A Microsoft Computer fully selected.." option.1.2KViews0likes3CommentsBex PS Scripts
Thought I would share my bex ps commandlets, which export various parts of the Bex config to html files. $Header = @" <style> TABLE {border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;} TH {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color: #6495ED;} TD {border-width: 1px;padding: 3px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;} </style> <title> Custom Title </title> "@ $Pre = "Header Text" $Post = "Footer Text" Get-BEServerInformation | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEServerInformation.html' GET-BEBackupExecServer | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEBackupExecServer.html' GET-BeAgentServer | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeAgentServer.html' GET-BeBackupExecSetting | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeBackupExecSetting.html' Get-BECentralAdministrationBackupExecServer | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BECentralAdministrationBackupExecServer.html' Get-BEService | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\Get-BEService.HTML' Get-BeStorage | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEStorage.html' GET-BeCloudStorageDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeCloudStorageDevice.html' GET-BeDeduplicationDiskStorageDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeDeduplicationDiskStorageDevice.html' Get-BeDiskCartridgeDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeDiskCartridgeDevice.html' Get-BeDiskStorageDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeDiskStorageDevice.html' GET-BeRoboticLibraryDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeRoboticLibraryDevicer.html' GET-BEStorageArrayDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEStorageArrayDevice.html' Get-BeStorageDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeStorageDevice.html' GET-BeTapeDriveDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeTapeDriveDevice.html' Get-BeVirtualDiskDevice | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeVirtualDiskDevice.html' GET-BeJob | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeJob.html' GET-BeJobHistory | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeJobHistory.html' GET-BeJogLog | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BeJobLog.html' Get-BELogonAccount | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\Get-BELogonAccount.html' Get-BEMedia | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEMedia.html' Get-BEMediaSet | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEMediaSet .html' Get-BEMediaType | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEMediaType.html' Get-BEMediaVault | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEMediaVault.html' Get-BENdmpServer | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BENdmpServer.html' Get-BENotificationConfigurationr | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BENotificationConfiguration.html' Get-BENotificationRecipientr | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BENotificationRecipient.html' Get-BENotificationRecipientGroupr | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BENotificationRecipientGroup.html' Get-BENotificationRecipientObjectr | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BENotificationRecipientObject,html' Get-BEOneTimeBackupJob | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEOneTimeBackupJob.html' Get-BEReport | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $Header -PreContent $Pre -PostContent $Post | out-file 'c:\BEReport.html'792Views1like1Comment