DMP, MPIO, MSDSM, SCSI-3 and ALUA configuration settings
Ok, I'm somewhat confused and the more I read the more confused I think I'm getting. I'm going to be setting up a 4 node active/active cluster for SQL. All of the nodes will have 2 seperate fiber channel HBAs connecting through 2 seperate switches to our NetApp. The NetApp supports ALUA, so the storage guy wants to use it. It is my understanding that I need to use SCSI-3 to get this to work. Sounds good to me so far. My question is, do I need to use any of Microsoft's MPIO or MSDSM? This is on Win 2008 R2. Or does Veritas take care of all of that? Also, I read that in a new cluster set up, only connect 1 path first and then install and then connect the 2nd path and let Veritas detect it and configure it. Is that accurate? Any info or directions you can point me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!SolvedNew Release: Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing 5.1 for Windows
Release Type: Major Release Products: Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing 5.1 for Windows OS Versions: • Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x86): Web Edition • Windows Server 2003 SP2 (x86, x64, IA64): Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Editions • Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 (x86, x64): Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Editions • Windows Server 2008 SP1 or SP2 (x86, x64): Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Editions • Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-based Systems SP1 or SP2 (IA64) • Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64): Web, Standard, Enterprise, Datacenter Editions • Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-based Systems (IA64) • Windows 7 (x86, x64): support with client components • Windows Vista SP1 or SP2 (x86, x64): Ultimate, Enterprise, Business Editions (support with client components) • Windows XP SP2 or SP3 (x86, x64): (support with client components) Release To Fulfillment Date: 10/18/2010 General Availability Date: 11/1/2010 Product Description: Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing for Windows (DMPW) adds additional fault tolerance to disk storage by making use of multiple paths between a server/host computer and a disk in a storage array. A path is a connection between the server/host computer and the storage array’s disks and consists of a host adapter and a SCSI bus connection to one or more SCSI disks or a fiber optic channel connected to a hub, switch, or array. Thus, multiple paths are made possible by connecting two or more host bus adapters with either SCSI or fiber optic cabling to the storage array. DMPW manages the multiple paths so that the data on each of the array’s disks is accessible to the host computer. If a path to a disk fails, Dynamic Multi-Pathing automatically transmits data to and from the disk over an alternate path. The paths on an array are set up to work in two ways—either in Active/Active mode, which provides load balancing of the data between multiple paths, or in Active/Passive mode, in which only one path is active and any remaining paths are backups. DMPW is implemented through Veritas Dynamic Multi-Pathing for Windows Device Specific Modules (DMPW DSMs). DMP DSMs are designed to support a multipath disk storage environment set up with the Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) solution. DMP DSMs work effectively with Windows to provide a fault tolerant multipath disk storage environment. Known Issues: See release notes starting on page 10 Product Requirements Hardware Compatibility List: Supported Applications: N/A Link to Release Notes: Documentation Link to Installation and Configuration Guide(s): References Additional Internal Information: Link to download: