Most RecentMost ViewedMost LikesIA Infobits: AutoStart Policy in VCS This video describes AutoStart policies in VCS and how to determine where a VCS Service Group will start up. IA InfoBits: Atomic Writes This video describes what Atomic Writes are.This is a new feature of Storage Foundation 6.2.It describes how the feature works. It also describes what specific databases, operating systems and hardware are required. IA InfoBits: Low Latency Transport (LLT) This video describes what Low Latency Transport (LLT) is, why it is needed and how it is used in VCS. IA InfoBits: Group Membership Services/Atomic Broadcast (GAB) This video describes what Group Membership Services/Atomic Broadcast (GAB) is, why it is needed and how it is used in VCS. IA InfoBits: Triggers in VCS 6.x This video describes triggers that have been released with the 6.0 and later versions of VCS.They are compared to VCS triggers that have existed and continue to exist in earlier versions of VCS. IA InfoBits: SmartTier This video describes the SmartTier feature of Storage Foundation.This used to be know as Dynamic Storage Tiering and falls into the general classification of Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM)…but more. Multi-Volume File Systems are described. IA InfoBits: Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) & Cached ODM This video describes Oracle Disk Manager (ODM) and Cached ODM (CODM) and how Storage Foundation uses these. IA InfoBits: VxFS Extents This video describes extents in a VxFS file system.It describes what they are, why they are used and the architecture that supports their use. IA InfoBits: VxFS Defragmentation This video describes how a VxFS file system fragments over time and how to defragment it. It describes why defragmentation is important to be done. IA InfoBits: VxFS Journaling This video describes that VxFS is a journaling file system and how journaling works. It also describes that because VxFS is a journaling file system there is little need for an fsck rebuild to be run when a crashed file system is mounted.