Blog Post


Light up Dark Data with Data Insight’s Intelligent Classification

Rishi_Thaper's avatar
8 years ago

Our Databerg Report highlighted that globally 52% of stored data is dark, whose value is unknown. With the plethora of unstructured data within your organization, do you know where Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is stored? Do you know if your users are extracting sensitive information from structured systems and unknowingly making it accessible to non-entitled users? Are you retaining information according to its real business value? Are you confident to defensibly delete / retire data? Are you in compliance with respect to myriad of information centric corporate governance policies and legal regulations?


While the answers to these questions range from “no” to “I don’t know” for most of the enterprises we talk to, these are their top-of-mind concerns. Some of you may say, yes, these should be achievable by classifying the data and that’s right but it’s easier said than done. Manual and inefficient classification processes have not been very successful over the years, and that’s where automatic content classification bridges the gap and helps in identifying policy violations, uncovering hidden risks, empowering efficient search, and getting control of your data with minimal user overhead.


The next question that usually haunts big enterprises is, how accurate, timely and easy the automatic content classification is? We cannot discount the fact that there can be billions and billions of dumped files in your unstructured data repositories making automatic content classification of your entire data estate a time-consuming process. To make quick decisions on your data, you need to classify data in a scalable, intelligent and timely fashion and not “boil the ocean”.


Data Insight 6.0 comes to your rescue. Embarking on the VERITAS mission - “Harness the power of information regardless of where it resides by driving availability and revealing insights” - Data Insight 6.0 helps in intelligently illuminating your dark data and provide actionable insights with an all-new integrated classification engine. With scores of in-built compliance and regulatory policies and powerful constructs to find and tag your data, the integrated classification engine provides accurate and consistent mechanism to reveal insights into data across multiple VERITAS offerings.


Leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, Data Insight 6.0 utilizes deep learning algorithms to prioritize automatic data classification, thus reducing time to value for your most important information assets. You can also optimize and automate classification by targeting specific information in the context of rich metadata, access visibility, and user-behavior analytics for your unstructured data available within Data Insight. This ensures the classification of the relevant information which help you to get invaluable insights into your data for speedy decision making and enables you to adhere to notification time-windows set by various regulations and compliance laws.


Additionally, Data Insight 6.0’s improved integration with VERITAS Enterprise Vault ensures that you pass-on the classification information when the tagged documents are archived in Enterprise Vault. This helps to reduce classification overhead and accelerate searching and discovery. Enterprise Vault’s integration with the same classification engine provides consistent classification across your primary and secondary data sources.


Data Insight has always been a key solution to aid in reducing risk and cost, and improving information governance for enterprises. Version 6.0 augments the value of Data Insight by natively providing visibility into the content of your unstructured data. This content visibility coupled with meta-data and access insights, user behavior and context around users, and advanced analytics around your data provides powerful and improved decision making to defend against malicious insiders, unwanted exposures, and helps you make better information governance decisions. Not to forget, insights into PII within your data helps to comply with various existing data privacy / protection laws and upcoming regulations like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); thus, lowering the risk-profile of your organization.



With the clouds of regulatory compliance looming large and unstructured data growing at unprecedented pace, it’s understandable that organizations that know the real value of information would be most empowered in their quest to become analytical competitors. With the insights available from data and the interactions around it, the question to ask ourselves is 'Is "Dark Data" really dark?'. Perhaps, we just need a powerful flashlight to uncover the hidden truth in information.


For more information, please visit our Data Insight and GDPR pages.

Updated 8 years ago
Version 1.0
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