Reduce risk with the data visibility, search, and delete capabilities of Information Studio 1.1
Information Studio offers clear visibility, targeted analysis, and informed action on data from a variety of cloud and on-premise data sources. This allows organizations to confidently address personal data security concerns, oncoming regulations, and continued data growth.3.7KViews5likes0Comments- 6.6KViews4likes0Comments
PHI: The Real Crown Jewels
PHI might be the most valuable type of data in the world. Cybercriminals exert more energy trying to steal this data than almost any other type and it costs healthcare organizations almost 3x the amount to recover from medical record breaches. Organizations need a better approach for protecting this incredibly important asset.2.3KViews2likes0CommentsExpanded Classification for Archived Data with Enterprise Vault 12.2
Enterprise Vault 12.2 will be generally available August 7th 2017. This release adds powerful, extermely accurate classification with default policies, business intelligence, new content sources and expanded records management capabilities.6.3KViews5likes0Comments