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Inside Veritas

Celebrating #WomenInTech at Veritas Technologies with Claire Verrot

AlexMatts's avatar
Level 6
6 years ago

At Veritas Technologies, we strive to attract and engage diverse, talented individuals to contribute to company growth—realizing progress is not only a matter of business development, but one of humanity. Diversity includes all the ways people differ, encompassing the distinctive characteristics that make one individual or group different from another.

In our ongoing #BalanceForBetter campaign—launched on International Women’s Day on March 8—we’re showcasing #WomenInTech on #TeamVtas who exemplify this standard of awareness and dedication to progress.

Please meet Veritas’ ClaireVerrot, representing the company’s Corporate Responsibility team; Claire is known among her colleagues for her evident drive and interest in identifying new, unique opportunities for the company to employ its resources in pursuit of good.

What does the International Women’s Day slogan, #BalanceForBetter, mean for you personally and professionally?

ClaireVerrot – #BalanceForBetter is a celebration of diversity and how we’ve come a long way. It is also a reminder of the struggles that women and minorities still face around the world. Personally, I also feel it is a great opportunity to support men in taking on their equal share of the more-traditionally women-led roles for a true #BalanceForBetter world. Having a two-year-old daughter encourages me to push for the change I would like to see in the world for future generations.

What made you choose a career in technology?

ClaireVerrot – Working in Corporate Responsibility (CR) is an exciting space. Working in CR in technology is even more exciting. While our world is increasingly transformed by technology, it is crucial to think about how tech is making the world better and addressing key societal challenges. How can tech tackle climate change, for example? How can tech help support women and minorities? How can CR be embedded at the core of tech companies to push to develop solutions for the most pressing issues? These are questions that keep me up at night. The possibilities are endless.

What advice would you give to those trying to secure their first role in the technology sector?

ClaireVerrot – Nowadays, technology is everywhere and opportunities in tech roles are abundant. I think identifying companies that you are inspired by and, that share common values will give purpose to your everyday work and a sense of fulfilment.

Why do you think there aren’t more women working in technology fields?

ClaireVerrot – I think there are reasons for the underrepresentation of women in technology at all stages of life. To start, I think we apply stereotypes at the youngest age. I’m reminded of stereotypes every day when raising my two-year old daughter. I want her to be free to choose what she is interested in, which is not as easy as you would think when princesses wearing pink are so prevalent in everything around a young girl. Opinions on what genders are expected to like and do form early and are reinforced along the way.

Businesses also have their shared responsibility and need to work on recruiting more women, including at leadership positions. We need all stakeholders to do their part, whether parents at home, schools or businesses.

What has been your career highlight to date?

ClaireVerrot – As manager of the CR program here at Veritas, I’m so proud to enable and build a culture of giving. In 2018 alone, our employees volunteered over 9,900 hours and, with Veritas’ matching program, donated over $700,000 to non-profits globally. I am also constantly amazed by Veritas’ employee resource groups. With over 40 chapters worldwide, Veritas employees embody diversity and inclusion, while building better communities.

What do you enjoy most about your role at Veritas Technologies?

ClaireVerrot – What I enjoy most is the variety of projects I work on and the interactions I have with every level and department within the company. For example, working with facilities on how we can further reduce our environmental footprint and collaborating with engineering to identify how our products support customers in reducing their own environmental footprint is both challenging and rewarding. As I mentioned, I also enjoy supporting our employees in giving back to the communities in which we live and work. Another exciting program I enjoyed launching and expanding is the product donation program, through which we make our software available to non-profits across the globe.

Who are your role models and influencers?

ClaireVerrot – I think what I admire most about people is their commitment to using their brain power and energy to tackle societal challenges while embodying the values they promote in every part of their life. I can think of several of these individuals who have inspired me throughout my life and career, including economist Tim Jackson, journalist Michael Pollan, environmental activist Vandana Shiva, and scientist David Suzuki.

Updated 6 years ago
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