Blog Post


GreenBytes in the House!

DamienBowersock's avatar
15 years ago
Wow!  We at GreenBytes couldn’t be more excited about the outlook of our new partnership with Symantec.  It has been a whirlwind since we announced our inline dedupe product line in September (GB-X Series) and our certified support for OST has added a new dimension to the conversation. 

GreenBytes is not another “Me Too” vendor as it relates to OST.  We have fully implemented Optimized Duplication, providing enhanced replication that is fully DR aware.  And, we are poised and ready for Optimized Synthetic Full Backups when they become available to the world.  We are also very excited about the prospects of BackupExec customers being able to utilize OST.  We are actively developing plugins for BE 2010 and can’t wait to deploy them with our existing and future BE customers.  But, that’s not where the story ends.

GreenBytes provides competitive advantages over previous deduplicating OST appliances.  We provide unmatched scalability and performance with several pieces of amazing technology that we would be happy to discuss in a more intimate setting.  We also believe that when a customer buys one of our appliances, they should get all of the benefits of our product.  That includes OST and replication.  No more double whammy to do Optimized Duplication. 

And finally, not to sound like a used-car salesman, but all this at a price you can actually afford.  Come see us at Vision in April - we’ll be in booth 16.
Published 15 years ago
Version 1.0
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