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MSP efficiencies are realized with management tools from Symantec

lukehiggins15's avatar
12 years ago

Another pillar of the MSP offerings at Symantec are the management tools partners can take advantage of in order to become more efficient.

In addition to RMM integrations with companies like Kaseya, Level Platforms, LabTech and Continuum with on-premise security and backup solutions, we also have and easy to use yet powerful online management tool for and Here's a testimony for Techmedics discussing the Partner Management Console.

Symantec Partner Management Console Empowers MSP

James Moon, President and CEO of Techmedics, discusses how his company leverages the Symantec Partner Management Console (PMC), listing ease of management, granular control, reporting, and speedy deployment among the PMC’s many benefits.

Published 12 years ago
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