Forum Discussion

mokkan's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

AppHA console test Cases

Hello Guys,

I have succesfully installed  AppHA console for our environments and I know the basic features that we can stop/start servcies and unconfigure, configure servicdes.

What are other featues AppHA console have it? I need to create a test cases.

What are the things need to be tested from AppHA console?

Thanks in advance.






  • Hi,

    First of all, I would like to highlight 2 components involved here:

    1) AppHA Console / HA Console

    2) AppHA guest components


    HA Console (formerly known as AppHA Console) is a single installation (physical or VM) per vCenter.

    It helps to embed (i.e. extend) our UI elements inside vSphere Client UI. It also serves few other purposes.


    AppHA guest components are the actual "AppHA" components installed in the VMs (guests), where the applications are running. It does the monitoring of applications, perform recovery actions etc.


    So, it would help, if we differentiate (and explicitly call-out) between these 2 roles in our discussions.


    Assuming you have installed & configured both AppHA guests components and HA Console (formerly AppHA Console), you can perform the following:

    From HealthView:

    - Configure/Un-configure application monitoring

    - Start/Stop application

    - Enter/Exit maintaince mode

    - Change settings

    - Review/apply licenses

    You can also test various recovery actions: like application restart (by VCS), system restart (soft reboot) & system reset (by the hypervisor).

    You also configure integration with BackupExec to restore the VM image, if required.

    One can also configure integration with VMware SRM feature.


    Check the Dashboard view (available at DataCenter/cluster level) to see a consolidated status of all the AppHA deployments in the vCenter.

    You can perform batch operations from there.

    Also there is "HomeView", from where you can perform few operations like batch deployment of license etc.


    You can also test the vSphere Integrated installation (Push-Install) option.


    BTW, which version of AppHa did you install?

    Also, did you refer to the docs? The docs explain most of the features pretty elaborately.

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  • Hi,

    First of all, I would like to highlight 2 components involved here:

    1) AppHA Console / HA Console

    2) AppHA guest components


    HA Console (formerly known as AppHA Console) is a single installation (physical or VM) per vCenter.

    It helps to embed (i.e. extend) our UI elements inside vSphere Client UI. It also serves few other purposes.


    AppHA guest components are the actual "AppHA" components installed in the VMs (guests), where the applications are running. It does the monitoring of applications, perform recovery actions etc.


    So, it would help, if we differentiate (and explicitly call-out) between these 2 roles in our discussions.


    Assuming you have installed & configured both AppHA guests components and HA Console (formerly AppHA Console), you can perform the following:

    From HealthView:

    - Configure/Un-configure application monitoring

    - Start/Stop application

    - Enter/Exit maintaince mode

    - Change settings

    - Review/apply licenses

    You can also test various recovery actions: like application restart (by VCS), system restart (soft reboot) & system reset (by the hypervisor).

    You also configure integration with BackupExec to restore the VM image, if required.

    One can also configure integration with VMware SRM feature.


    Check the Dashboard view (available at DataCenter/cluster level) to see a consolidated status of all the AppHA deployments in the vCenter.

    You can perform batch operations from there.

    Also there is "HomeView", from where you can perform few operations like batch deployment of license etc.


    You can also test the vSphere Integrated installation (Push-Install) option.


    BTW, which version of AppHa did you install?

    Also, did you refer to the docs? The docs explain most of the features pretty elaborately.

  • Thank you very much for your answers. I looked at the Installation guide and user gudie. It doesn't have any information about Push install or anything. What do you mean by push install? We can update install applicaiton from Console? Or we can update AppHA updates from Console?