Well I don't believe we can point out any straight reason without appropriate investigation. There could be n number of possibilities. I would though suggest to look into following
1. Is the utilization going up in specific trend or its once off ? what process consumes highest CPU at the point ?
2. While you are noticing high utilization, what is trend of application running ? Is it expected to write/read heavy IOs on the volumes ?
3. Whether utilization is increasing at any specific time ? If yes, is there any planned snapshots / backups etc happening ?
4. Do you have VVR replication as well ? VVR code is integrated in vxconfigd ... Any replication going on ?
5. Do you happen to notice any errors/messages in logs while utilization is high ?
6. Any difference in storage lun presentations between 3 nodes ?
7. All the products including OS, Application, SF are at right/updated level of patches ?
There could be many more thoughts around ...
Quite possible that vxconfigd is reacting to what is happening to applications/infrastructure .. would suggest to pin down the process consuming CPU & trend of the CPU utilization to get to exact root cause ..