Forum Discussion

SSam's avatar
Level 3
10 months ago

Install Oracle 19c without Veritas wrapper for NBITA

Hi All,

Due to DB compliance, Oracle team using their own method installed 19c on a dedicated server for Portal without using the Veritas wrapper for DB installation "itanalytics_dbinstaller_xx.iso". So now installing Portal component, installer is not able to communicate to the Oracle that's already installed on the same system. 

Portal installer doesnt ask anything for Oracle user but requires SID, port to be entered and communication fails. User Aptare and tomcat, data01 through 06 are all created.

Please assist/guide to fix this. Thanks in advance.

  • SSam what is the ITA version? If I understand it correctly, you have Oracle installed on a different host and now installing the ITA server on the portal host but it is not connecting to Oracle DB. 

    • SSam's avatar
      Level 3

      HI Deeps

      I am going for 11.3 NBITA and will have Oracle and Portal on same server only.  But here Oracle is installed by Oracle DBA as a normal installation without using Veritas DB installer.



      • SSam's avatar
        Level 3

        HI Deeps ,

        We have finally got the confirmation to use Veritas wrapper for Oracle installation and now portal is also installed on same server.


        Thank you !