Forum Discussion

admin_bkp007's avatar
27 days ago

Report Sucess and Failed Last 6 Months or More

Hi folks,

We are using NBUITA and I need report about last 6 or 12 months with all job sucess and failed for our auditing.

What kind of reports are you using for this case?

I tried Mission Control Backup but I need report about job and not for client

  • You got to the right place :) , just click Add (highlighted in yellow) to add the parameter.  After saving, you'll see the newly-added parameter.


6 Replies

  • Your link doesn't resolve publicly, but the maximum number of rows that can be exported is controlled via a Custom Parameter, under Admin, System Configuration, Customer Parameters.   The parameter is named  .  The value is the maximum rows desired.  After setting that Custom Parameter, be sure to click the Save and Apply tab.

  • You got to the right place :) , just click Add (highlighted in yellow) to add the parameter.  After saving, you'll see the newly-added parameter.


  • ZenOfAnalytics thanks for answer, but I'm not able to find this parameter:, I'm using version 11.3.03.

    Checked in all tabs but can't find this parameter.