Forum Discussion

DPeaco's avatar
2 years ago

NBU IT Analytics 11.2 - Custom Reports and Filters


I'm trying to figure out how to do all those fancy filters to get the data output I need in report.

An example would be - how do I create a report that will give me the backup results for several specific backup policies that are named something like: dly_bkup_host_db2, dly_bkup_host2_db2, dly_bkup_host3_db2, and etc for up to like 20 policies. I don't need *_db2 because that would be WAY MORE than what I need. Anybody does this yet?

  • DPeaco  you should be using host groups for scoping vs running report on all your clients and then filtering.  the host groups will pre-process/filter the report to only show you the clients you are interested in, then the condition that will give you more granular filtering.  

  • Hi DPeaco , if there are multiple results from a wildcard and we only need a few of them, not all, we can use OR in the filtering ( or IN Operator in SQL query ) and add all the values that need to be filtered.

    For example, if we need to get a report on all the jobs that finished with Status id 10,12,14 and 16, you can add the filter as suggested in the screenshot. 

    Please us know if that satisfies your requirement or if you have a different requirement.







    • You can also use the boolean operator "is a member of" and then put the argument as the statuses to be included as a comma separated list.  Nice to have options :-).

    • DPeaco's avatar


      Do the filter settings stay with a scheduled report? I'm still really new to IT Analytics and none of the YouTube video's cover specific details on report generation for reports like this.

  • DPeaco  Filter settings do stay with a report.  Keep in mind, there is a difference between "template" and "report".   You can see this in the Type field.  When you run a "template" that is shipped out of the box or imported into the portal, after the output is rendered, you can save this as a "report" under "My Reports".  This saved report instance will have your previously applied filter and scoping preserved in the saved report and can be run on-demand and scheduled/alerted on as needed.    You can not schedule a template, you can only schedule a report (after running a template and saving it as type report).  Does this help?




    • DPeaco's avatar


      Thank you for the added clarity! Let me go see what I can do now that I have this information.

  • Ok, I got the filtering to work. Seems odd that it only allows 17 filters and then you can add additional filtering one-at-a-time after applying the filter to the report.

    My other question is around this topic - Why do I need to pull a daily report of almost 10,000 backups and then apply a report filter for 21 backup policies that I want backup stats on? If there's a better approach to this, then I'd like to know how to go about that. Please? :) 

  • What template is the basis for the report?  If the policy list is largely static, you can modify the template and inject the logic for the specific backup policies.

    • DPeaco's avatar


      Job Summary Template is what's being used. Also using the same template for daily backup reports for each system administrator. So this template is being well "used". :) 

      BTW, the policy list for the report will be primarily static. I think it's changed like once in the past 6 years.

      • Robert_Geller's avatar
        Level 4

        DPeaco  you should be using host groups for scoping vs running report on all your clients and then filtering.  the host groups will pre-process/filter the report to only show you the clients you are interested in, then the condition that will give you more granular filtering.