Forum Discussion

BackupExecNewb's avatar
11 years ago

Access Denied on Differential Restore

I restored an entire subfolder from a full backup from tape to it's original location.  I am now trying to run the most recent differential restore to the same location.  The job fails with Error code E0008488, which is access denied.  No files are copied.  The test credentials works fine, and I can't understand why i'm gettign access denied whe I was able to run the full restore to the same locaiton fine.  Both jobs are usign the system account.  The job log does not indicate where the issue is or what file/folder it's failing to restore.


Any help greatly appreciated!

  • There was a hidden read only share that was not cleared until the server was rebooted

5 Replies

  • I checked the first article.  I'm actaullt havign soem issues pulling up the job history.  When I do though, there is no information on where it's failed, so I don't know how I can figure out what files it's trying to restore.


    The second article refers to a different error code. I do not have those symptoms.

  • The job history just says teh error code and access is denied

    0 byte count

    I'm trying now to resttore the diff from the previous night,  it's run longer than the last attempt - hasn't failed but is in  a queued state.  it was like this for ages but now the status is running.  Although it hasn't yet started going through the folders in the job activity screen.


    Perhaps i shoud try to restore the diff to a different location.  I was concerned about this becuase the target is a SIS enabled volume and i read it needs to be restored to the original location.

  • There was a hidden read only share that was not cleared until the server was rebooted