Forum Discussion

Ron_W1's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Agent wont install

I have a vanilla windows 7 x64 professional that I need to get backup exec agent installed on so I can put it into production. I am having trouble getting it installed. If I try to copy over the RAWS64 folder and install the agent locally, I can get the workstation added to backup exec as long as I don't tick the option upgrade when I am adding. However doing it this way the job will not run. It will error out with The job failed with the following error: A communications failure has occurred. Initial searching shows I need to upgrade the agent. 

If I try it by remote push, I get this.

Job started     : Tuesday, December 23, 2014 7:26:44 AM
Job ended       : Tuesday, December 23, 2014 7:28:15 AM
Final error: 0x643 - Fatal error during installation.

Final error category: Other Errors
Completed status: Failed

Really stuck here..

16 Replies

  • The publishing tab does have the IP4 and IP6 address in the box. The service account is just the domain administrator. Updating shows this. As you can see I have tried it many times. I've restored the windows firewall to its default properties in case something went wrong there, I have repaired framework twice. Removed endpoint a/v twice. I am starting to loose track of everything I have done.


    Server name : xxxxx
    Job name    : xxxxx Install 00044
    Job log     : C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_xxxxxx_01436.xml
    Device name : 
    Job started     : Tuesday, December 23, 2014 10:59:57 AM
    Job ended       : Tuesday, December 23, 2014 11:00:03 AM
    Final error: 0x643 - Fatal error during installation.
    Final error category: Other Errors
    Completed status: Failed


    On your link, there are 14 other servers that are being backed up and I never had to setup any group policies to make them work. The service account is the domain administrator account.

  • Try removing the IPv6 address from the publishing tab of the remote agent and then restart the remote agent service on the remote computer. Then go back to the Backup Exec Server, establish trust once more and try running the job again.

     Also, if you feel you have exhausted attempts to resolve the issue and would prefer to work with our support team, PM me and I am happy to assist you with that process.

  • I will get in contact with symantec on this. 


    Job ended: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 11:30:12 AM
    Completed status: Failed
    Final error: 0xe000fe30 - A communications failure has occurred.
    Final error category: Server Errors
    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-65072
  • Support contract ran out. Guess this thread can be closed no resolution. 

  • My maintenance contract is still valid ;-)

    I have the same problem:

    I have upgraded from working BE 2012 to BE 15. Everything fell into place (so it seems for now) except the fact that I cannot upgrade agents on any server.

    My servers are also on local network with all ports opened. I am runnig SEP, have tried to disable it on targeted machine, but it did not help. Apparently there is a problem on target server with VC installation, but I can't tell from log what the obstacle is.

    I would appreciate some help.