Forum Discussion

JK85's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

All Media Exporting Randomly

I recently started having a problem where all the tapes export randomly from the ML6000. It has two partitions. I have Backup Exec 2012 (Backup Exec Server Version 14.0 Rev. 1798 [64 bit]) on Windows 2008 R2 Standard. It started doing this with SP2 so I upgraded to SP4 and it still occurs. I have tried deleting the export job and re-adding, that didn't work. I had thought that was causing it but found that during the backup job that the tapes were exported. Any ideas? Or, do I have to get with the ML6000 vendor?





  • Imosla:


    Thanks, i'll give the first part a try. I was thinking it was something with the  library itself after I removed the export job and it still exported all the media.

4 Replies

  • Do you have a scheduled export job?  Unless you need this, i would delete it, at least until you get things sorted out.

    What is random?  that something exports tapes all by itself or it is exporting the wrong slots?

    Do these random exports leave a BE job log?


    Check for errors in Windows Event System logs 

    Try removing the library from Backup Exec

    and then Power Cycle the tape library by

    1. Power Off the Server completely 
    2. Power off the Tape library then 
    3. Power on the Tape library wait till it is at a 'Ready' State then
    4. Power on the Server

    Since this is something that the library controls not Backup Exec you will probably need to contact the vendor.

  • Larry:

    I did have a scheduled export job, but removed it hoping it would solve the problem only to find all the media was exported while a job was running. Random, in that it exports whenever it wants and it exports all the media from the library. No, for leaving a BE job log.

  • Imosla:


    Thanks, i'll give the first part a try. I was thinking it was something with the  library itself after I removed the export job and it still exported all the media.