Forum Discussion

Martinstr's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago


Hy Guys,


i have a question about using AOFO and SQL 2008 r2?

We get the following Error:


Could i activate AOFO in the JOB for SQL?

The Selectionlist for die HDD is "E:\SQL_Backup*.* /SUBDIR"


More Options: (SQL)

Backup Method: Full

Consistency check befor Backup: Physical check only

Consistecy chcek after Backup: None

Continue with backup if consistency check fails: Yes

Use checksum 2005 or later: No

Create on-disk copies: No











  • Hello, You have SQL selected for backup from the volume drive, that is not how you backup SQL online. You need to install the SQL agent license, then backup from the "Microsoft SQL Server" selection and choose the databases. If you want to backup from the drive, you will need to either detach the datbase or stop the SQL SERVER service, which means that it will be an offline backup for you.


    In your case, you have the agent license installed, Please select the databases from under the "MICROSOFT SQL SERVER" option under the SERVER NAME in the selection list and rerun the with or without AOFO, by default, SQL 2008 R2 uses a VDI snapshot technology, so you do not need to enable AOFO on the job.

    Ensure that you have Backup Exec 2010 R2 and that the remote agent is also up to date.

     Also please refer to the below document and links within it to clarify any doubts about backing up SQL data.


    Please mark as solution if this helps resolve your problem

6 Replies

  • Hi ,


    No need to use AOFO to do SQL backup as SQl agent would be anyways using VSS to do SQL backup.


    Can you please let me know what is version of backupexec & also let me know if backup using SQL Studio if it is working or not


    Thank You

  • Hello, You have SQL selected for backup from the volume drive, that is not how you backup SQL online. You need to install the SQL agent license, then backup from the "Microsoft SQL Server" selection and choose the databases. If you want to backup from the drive, you will need to either detach the datbase or stop the SQL SERVER service, which means that it will be an offline backup for you.


    In your case, you have the agent license installed, Please select the databases from under the "MICROSOFT SQL SERVER" option under the SERVER NAME in the selection list and rerun the with or without AOFO, by default, SQL 2008 R2 uses a VDI snapshot technology, so you do not need to enable AOFO on the job.

    Ensure that you have Backup Exec 2010 R2 and that the remote agent is also up to date.

     Also please refer to the below document and links within it to clarify any doubts about backing up SQL data.


    Please mark as solution if this helps resolve your problem

  • Hi there,


    Please check the tags just under ANY original post. If the poster has done it correctly, the version of BE shows there...



  • WOW! Thanks for the fast Answers! Nice!


    Thanks for the Information, the Job is now active, when it is complete i will test it.

  • Please mark the post as solution once the job completes successfully.

  • Do you have Sql license installed? it can be that Sql agent was installed in evaluation so the backup was running fine. Go to help--about symantec-license infromation

    From here you can check if it is been installed in evalaution or not .

    IF you already have the Sql agent license installed try uninstalling and reinstalling the Sql agent license again .

    as suggested by 'itsmeaffinity" you dont need to have the AOFO option selected in the backup job. You should have AOFO selected only for the the backup of normal files and folders , so you can configure 2 backup jobs one backing up all the files, system state and shadow copy component for all the server and then other backup job backing yup you Sql db , exchange etc .