Forum Discussion

Sys_Admin_4's avatar
20 years ago

AOFO erros BE9.1 SP1

I have a server running windows NT4 that's being backed up by a server running w2k server SP4 with BE 9.1 SP1. I've run the AOFO wizard and changed the static volume and quite time according to veritas articles. I still get "Advanced Open File Option snapshot failed" and "OFO: Unable to get minimum quiet time window for physical volume."
on the job log for this server.

What else can be done?
Also, how I can removed only the AOFO on this server without removing the remote agent. I'm willing to do this and exclude the files that will get skipped.

5 Replies

  • Hello,

    To resolve this issue, run a disk defragmentation on the hard disks when the backup is not running, disable virus scans, and stop any third party applications that cause excessive disk writes during the backup. If all third-party applications have been stopped, and the error still occurs, the Minimum Quiet Time for AOFO can be lowered on the problem machine.

    Also follow the steps in this technote for snapping one volume at a time.

    How to get Advanced Open File Option to snap one volume at a time during multi-volume backups

    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.
  • Thank you.
    What impact will snapping one volume at a time have on all other servers on this backup job? We are backing up around 10 servers with this media server on a single job. Thanks.
  • If you snap multiple volumes at once, you are awaiting for quiet time on all of them.
    So a single snap means you have better chances of acheiving quiet time.

    Once you have reduced the minimum quiet time to two seconds and still cannot achieve this, even after the single volume snap is setup, I suggest looking at the load on your servers and determining whether there is potentially a service you can down during backups to assist.
  • Hello,

    Has the problem regarding the error 'Unable to get minimum quiet time window for physical volume" been resolved? Have you enabled Advanced Open File Option to snap one volume at a a time? In case the problem persists,do write back with details on the configuration settings of AOFO along with the exact error message. You can additionally refer to the following technote:

    Title:How "quiet time" is defined in relation to its usage with Advanced Open File Option or Open File Option

    Hope this helps. In case we do not receive any updates from you within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.

  • As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool