Forum Discussion

AITLuke's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

ASP.NET 2.0 50727.0 Errors & Failing Backup Jobs


I've searched high and low for an answer to this, and tried every suggestion so far and got no where. Hoping someone can help.

We've started having failures on backups randomly for about 3 weeks. The error is always same, it's the Exchange VSS writer timed out.

After following the steps to resolve this, i've been lead to believe it's due to the error in the subject, that is in the Application log of event viewer, thousands of times.


Many people say this has been caused by .NET framework being wrong. That's not the case here.


Here's one of the errors... the other is the same, but a different process name (DLOAdminService)


Event code: 3005

Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.

Event time: 12/01/2016 10:24:12

Event time (UTC): 12/01/2016 10:24:12

Event ID: e8f5ebe0d8f5496dba599d78e70f00af

Event sequence: 1

Event occurrence: 1

Event detail code: 0


Application information:

Application domain: 9f13e34ef7644da3b745368f318c8e5e-1915-130970678512692935

Trust level:

Application Virtual Path: /CRF

Application Path: C:\ProgramData\Symantec\CRF\9f13e34ef7644da3b745368f318c8e5e\

Machine name: REMOVED


Process information:

Process ID: 6900

Process name: beserver.exe

Account name: REMOVED\Administrator


Exception information:

Exception type: HttpException

Exception message: Server cannot access application directory 'C:\ProgramData\Symantec\CRF\9f13e34ef7644da3b745368f318c8e5e\'. The directory does not exist or is not accessible because of security settings.


Request information:

Request URL:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\9f13e34ef7644da3b745368f318c8e5e\Data.xml&RDLFile=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\9f13e34ef7644da3b745368f318c8e5e\RDL.rdl

Request path: /CRF/CRF.aspx

User host address:


Is authenticated: False

Authentication Type:

Thread account name: REMOVED\Administrator


Thread information:

Thread ID: 15

Thread account name: REMOVED\Administrator

Is impersonating: False

Stack trace: at System.Web.HttpRuntime.EnsureAccessToApplicationDirectory()

at System.Web.HttpRuntime.HostingInit(HostingEnvironmentFlags hostingFlags)



Custom event details:

Our system:

2008R2 Fully patched
Exchange 2007 Latest SP + Roll up
Backup Exec 2010 R3 with SP4.

So far, i've tried the following:

  • Adding Exceptions to Panda Cloud for the Symantec directories and processes
  • Removing .NET 3 using server manager, removing .net 3.5, removing .net 4, then repairing backup exec.
  • Completely removing the antivirus.
  • Complete reinstall of BE 2010 R3.


As far as i can tell, as soon as the directory is created in the CRF folder, it is deleted again.

I've tried using process monitor to see what process is deleting any files in /CRF/ but it shows nothing.


Any help will be GREATLY appreciated.



  • ...have you made sure that all the latest Microsoft patches as well as BE patches have been installed?


10 Replies

  • Have you tried to exclude the CRF directory with wildcards from the backup?


  • 1) If you make sure all the writers are stable and then run a Full backup job against ONLY the Exchange information store and no other selections do you see the same problem - if this works test a system state backup on it's own against the same server.


    2) if not using DLO then I would recomend uninstalling it (at very least you should do it as it being installed will block an upgrade to a newer BE version (as the newer ones no longer contain DLO)




  • Thanks for the replies.


    Have you tried to exclude the CRF directory with wildcards from the backup?


    No... but the issue is there, when there aren't even any backup jobs created. I don't see how this will do anything?

    1) If you make syre all the writers are stable and then run a Full backup job against ONLY the Exchange information store and no other selections do you see the same problem - if this works test a system state backup on it's own against the same server.

    Hmmm.. no i haven't tried this, but i don't think this will make any difference to the ASP.NET errors that are clearly using all the system resources. BESERVER.EXE Uses a constant 14% CPU, and i believe this is because of the contant accessing of the CRF folder.



    2) if not using DLO then I would recomend uninstalling it (at very least you should do it as it being installed will block an upgrade to a newer BE version (as the newer ones no longer contain DLO

    Afraid that's not possible, DLO is not untickable during the installation or during repair on BE 2010.

    Sadly upgrading backup Exec isn't possible as the customer will not go for it, when it was working just a couple of months ago.



    Thanks again

  • I was thinking the CRF/ASP error might relate specifically to the system state part of the backup hence separate the parts of the job might help isolate the issue to specific areas and the problem with the Exhcnage system writers might also be caused by all the selections in one jobs and therefore it might help to see if separating out wjhat is backed up the symptoms changs. Note this suggestion is really aginats troublshooting and is not intended for a workaround

    Also  DLO should be able to be uninstalled as there is no inplace upgrade capability whilst it remains present (which potentially means the install has multiple problems and not just ASP issues.)

    With regards not upgrading we obviously do not patch that version of BE any longer, whilst Microsoft are still probably releasing updates to .NET and possibly the OS as well.  As such it is possible that the issue itself is caused by changes within components that are outside of our control and mean BE 2010 is not fully compatible any longer) . As BE 2010 (all revisions) is already in Partial support there will be no more engineering level fixes and Tech Support staff can only provide answers based on already documented issues, is it unlikely we can do much officially to assist other than recommend moving to a newer version to see if the problem is solved. If yiou were running a fully supported version of BE then I'd suggest you log a formal suport case (that is assuming you have a support agreement). If they do decide to consider an upgrade of BE, be very careful to review all compatibility lists before updating as you may be running software or hardware components that are not supported in the newer BE versions.)If you did move to the latst BE version (15) then this would come with full  support should the issue continue.






  • Hi,

    It is a full version but obviously there is no support for it anymore from Veritas, that expired long ago.


    This evening i will install a trial of BE 2012 and see what difference it makes, and let you know.



  • Dont install the trial version of BE was horrible. Install the trial version of BE 15 with the latest Feature Pack.


  • Oops I should have mentioned that - we do suggest custoems avoid BE 2012 as the single server job handling model was not the best concept for all customers and if you go to 2012 it wil change your jobs in a way that even if you go to 2014 afterwards you wil have to manually recreate to put back.

  • OK,

    Using BE 2015 this morning, we get these errors on the backup:

    4BCD-987E-8E1ACB462FB7}, Last error: The VSS Writer timed out (0x800423f2), State: Failed during freeze operation (9).


    After checking writer status, there is no error on any. Reboot also does nothing.


    Using BE 2010 again this afternoon, same exact error.


    Also had my car stolen this morning so any fix would be absolutely wonderful right now as i'm feeling suicidal!

  • I can't help but feel the reason this is happening is because of the resources being used because of the ASP.NET errors... or the fact htat BESErver is using 14%CPU Constantly... if we could resolve that i think it would fix the issue.

  • ...have you made sure that all the latest Microsoft patches as well as BE patches have been installed?
