Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • You can back it up using the COPY function (a standard backup), but will need to restore the BKF file to a B2D folder, then inventory, then catalog before you will be able to restore user data
  • Are you talking @ the DOS/Windows Copy?  That is how I am doing it now and would really like to do it through BackupExec for automation/scheduling purposes.  Do you if that can be done?
  • No - I was talking about the BackupExec COPY type of backup (the standard backup)  If this was being backed up from the same server that created the B2D files, I'd recommend a DUPLICATE job.  That way, you could restore directly from tape, rather than having to restore the BKF file(s), then inventory, then catalog, then restore datat
  • :smileywink: Ok.  I am having a "Blonde" week.  Could you please explain or give guidance on the BackupExec Copy you are referring to?
  • When you create a backup job, one of your options is type of backup
    COPY is the standard/default 
    If you want to be able to restore directly from the second media, then select DUPLICATE  instead.  Otherwise you have to restore the BKF file,  then inventory the B2D folder, then catalog the restored BKF file(s),
    THEN you can restore data