Forum Discussion

Tony_Cable's avatar
Level 3
17 years ago

Backing up Exchange 2003 Mailboxes

in the summer we built three new exchange servers running exchange 2003 and windows server 2003.  the old servers were running exchange 5.5.  we migrated the mailboxes from the old servers to the new ones and ran them side by side for a month.
i had been able to back up the old servers no problem, and whilst they were running side by side i could back up the new servers.
when we turned the old ones off i am now getting an access denied message when i try to back up the mailboxes and they don't back up.
when we temporaraly turned the old servers back on, i could back up the mailboxes again.
i've been through the help files, and made the backup account an exchange administrator as well as adding it to the administrator local group (i have done this on all three servers), yet i am still getting the access is denied message.
The remote agent is installed. (might be an obvious statement, but just to emphasise!)
we are using version 10 revision 5520 of backup exec and it is on service pack 4
is there anything i have missed, or is there any thing else i can do?
Thanks in Advance

7 Replies

  • Log on to the media server as the BackupExec Service account and open up Outlook
    Can you attach to and open other mailboxes?
  • to be honest i don't know as none of the servers has outlook installed on it.  at some point i will try logging onto a PC that has outlook on it and see if i can connect to the mailboxes then.
    as i said before, when a server with 5.5 was running, i could access and backup the exchange 2003 mailboxes, this problem has only come since the old server was turned off.

    Message Edited by Tony Cable on 01-09-2008 02:55 AM
  • i can confirm that when logged onto a client machine as the backupexec account and opening outlook i CANNOT attach to any other mailboxes.
    any ideas what might be casuing this?
  • The way the v10 and prior did brick level backups requires that the media server have Outlook installed, and that the BackupExec Service Account's EMail account has the right to attach to every other mailbox
    This is because the way that brick level is done, The service account opens Outlook, attaches to each selected Mailbox, and then "reads" all items in that mailbox. No APIs involved  This is also why Brick level backups are so slow
    See the Admin Guide page 1121
  • tahnks for your help, but i'm still getting access denied.
    I've installed outlook on the backup server and the exchange server (outlook 2003), the backupexec account is a full exchange administrator, and a member of the local administrators group.
    obviously the thing that is missing the the backupexecs rights to access the mailboxes, but i've followed the admin guide and done the steps it said but i'm still getting access denied.
    although i am able to connect to mailboxes through outlook on the exchange server, its only within backup exec that i'm getting access denied to the mailboxes.
    got any other ideas?
    and thanks for all your help so far.

    Message Edited by Tony Cable on 01-15-2008 01:05 AM
  • Is the Exchange Server the BackupExec  media server?
    if not, you need to logon to the media server as the service account and create an Outlook Profile, thend verify that you can attache to the other mailboxex using that profile.
    if that works, I'm out of suggestions, sorry 
  • its ok got it sorted now.
    i think it offers to backup using my profile... not 100% sure how, but its all working now.
    Thanks for all your help.