Forum Discussion

Scott_Baker's avatar
13 years ago

Backing up more than one server per job with BE 2012

User Jimmy Mac told us that there is no easy, intuitive method for backing up more than one server per job even with grouping.  We are bringing back the ability to backup multiple servers in a single job in the next release.  This will allow you to define the order of the servers to be backed up and you can customize the selections for each server.

29 Replies

  • 2013 is not a good solution. I have had to align the stars and cross the T's to get this to work 'kinda' like I want it to in a multi-server environment. I have a work around but it is still 4 jobs and 4 notifications.

  • I am happy for it never to come out in BE 2012 and to be part of BE 2013 but I am not happy about having to wait for 2013 for the release.

  • So the string between Elizabeth and Mhystique clearly displays the disfunction that summarizes the release of BE 2012.  On August 28th, Elizabeth posted "...If you want to get this early, please sign up for the Beta program, this will be in the beta release....", and later the same day, the user she was addressing (Mhystique) responded with "And how do I sign up for that?".  To the amazement of I'm sure all that cared to read the thread, the response from Elizabeth on that same day was "Mhystique,

    Unfortunalty the multi-server usability testing was all last week. I have to cut things off so I can take the results and get the changes needed back to our developers to work on.

    I will have other opportunities for other usability sessions in the future. 

    Regards... Elizabeth".

    Did I miss something here?  How do you suggest to a user to join a beta group, then the same day tell them it's too late because you need to get the 'results' back to developers.  Too bad those 'results' don't include the input from the person that was encouraged to sign up for the beta group to provide feedback.  

    What we are all, as IT Professionals, coming to grips with is that Symantec (or any other Software company) can and will develop what they choose, when they choose it, and will likely do so in a vaccuum.

    Despite its perceived size as a company, Symantec is clearly operating as a small company and resting its laurels on a pre-selected 'focus' group as its beta testers.  Despite the massive amount of users of the software, the focus/beta group was clearly small.  Also, based on other posts in the forums where many have claimed to be part of the beta test group, and have claimed to express their disconcern with the layout, interface, functionality and 'feature' omissions/exclusions, it's clear that the feedback from the beta testers was more to report "this button doesn't work" or other 'bugs' identified, rather than actual problems with continuity of the software from its prior version or requesting functionality changes. 

    Symantec and their product developement teams had a plan to produce a specific product interface, and they certainly did so.  Much like the SEP product which was released without much of any prior notification as to its 180° departure from SAV, only to greet the Administrator with a clunky, heavy, un-intuitive, convoluted, and unneccesarrily complex interface, is recipe for failure.  Shame on Symantec for repeating their own prior mistakes.  This is what happens when management dictates changes to a product without a clear understanding of the importance of the existing product and its features to its core demographic.

    As with my migration from SAV to a brief stint with SEP (with the hopes that my administrators and support staff would familiarize themselves with the product; to no avail), followed by a jump to a non-Symantec product, I fear that this is the roadmap for BE within my environment as well.  Saddening really, because I've been using BE in various environments since the late '90's when it was owned by Veritas.

  • Mark_D - I'm sorry if I wasn't clear.  The Beta program and usability sessions are two different animals. 

    I run usability sessions to get feedback on UI design or workflow. Generally what I'm testing with is a development build (which tend to be unstable) or wireframe mockups.  I do have to run these for short periods of time - generally a week so I can get the results fed back to the developers for any changes.

    The Beta program is further out in the cycle, when we have a build which is stable and reliable. The Beta program, participants download the software and take it for a spin.  Usability sessions are done on my servers, so when they crash, I can easily snap them back.

    Hope this clears things up.  If not, feel free to DM me.

    Also, (shameless plug...) I'm currently running usability sessions on our virtualization features this week.  If you are interested, please check out the times I have available.


  • Cool, thank you for clarifying Elizabeth.  So now that we have the renewed attention of someone at Symantec, can we get an update on when we can expect the long awaited update to bring back the job-centric option we all long to get back?  (I know we can't get an exact date, but some estimation would be greatly appreciated.  I already have my team testing alternative products and will subsequently roll out the new product to production if we can't get more clarity on when we can regain the functionality we had before this up(read:down)grade.

  • The announcement of release dates and product plan will be communicated via SymConnect and the main BE twitter account @backupexec very soon.  I can put you in touch with one of our product managers as well who can discuss this with you if you like; DM me your contact information.

  • So by the way. Given the fact that the 2012 release has been completely usless to may of us here on this forum and has made our backup lives complicated to say the least. Can we expect to get some sort of a "discount" on next years software maintenance renewal?!?! enlightened

  • Like many,  we are also starting to consider moving to different software.  It's just not working properly in its current state.  

    This update is really taking too long to be released.   Too bad Symantec didn't have a hotfix/patch available for those with this problem instead of making every one wait over 3 months for a major release with probably many bug fixes and changes. 

  • Greetings to greetings, BobsBarlo and the rest of this crew.

    Here's what I can share with you at the moment.

    1. We've experienced 90 days of intense change since our new CEO started. Results are already reflected in yesterday's quarterly earnings announcement. This is no longer the same company, in very good ways for employees, channel partners and customers.

    2. You users of Backup Exec remain an urgent asset for the company and we have circled the wagons to address our core processes to serve you better. We've re-committed to building Backup Exec on three pillars: platform support, customer delight and seamless migration.

    3. We are about 60 days from sharing more on this updated plan with the entire community. Follow us on Twitter @backupexecdrew or @backupexec as well the blogs here in the community to keep up to date.

    4. In the meantime, we've brought dedicated support escalation engineers across the Internet that are anxious to help you with BE2012. Reach out to @donaldeady, @lmosla, @js3012 or PM me directly.

    That's where we are, thanks in advance for your patience.
