Forum Discussion

TashfeenKhan's avatar
14 years ago

Backing up SharePoint Resources

Hello Ladies and Gents

Currently using Symantec Backup Exec 12.5. We also using Sharepoint 2003 on our Network. And having a problem backing up our sharepoint resources.


Unable to backup our sharepoint resources, have checked everytthing i am capable of checking, read through many articles still no solution.

Have gone to tools and options, and checked the GRT for Ms Sharepoint this is ticked, looked within the poilcy for the job and GRT is checked. Also checked via Backup Tab and new backup job, tried to right click on the sharepoint resoures and slected add new server farm, entered the details of my server farm wla-eportal1 came up with message saying "None of the Web Servers for the specified server farm could be accessed"

Tried to google this and went through the article this was not really any help, mentioned about checking Internet Explorer and tool - options, and click the advanced tab, and unchecking the verify publishers certificate, still no joy there.

Not sure if i have missed anything out really. Have gone into remote session, and checked the Sharepoint Central Administration page, and all seems fine, are assicoaited as web servers. Have checked our license information all agents are installed, such as SQL and sharepoint. The GRT works for exchnage which embale me to slect individual email but not sharepoint anyt adive would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards

Tashfeen Khan



2 Replies

  • The error you describe can come from one of two places.  First, the technote you mentioned above where you turn off the CRL check within Internet Explorer fixes a timeout that can occur.  Be sure that you're logged onto the Sharepoint Web server with the account used for backup when you perform those steps in IE, otherwise it won't work.  Second, as the error message indicates, a query to Sharepoint for the active web servers provides a list that doesn't include the web server used.  This can be caused by a couple things.  We've seen the web server misspelled within Sharepoint causing the mismatch.  Also, if you have Sharepoint configured to use FQDN server names, the comparison won't work with the local machine name.  This second issue was fixed with the release of Backup Exec 2010 R3.  See,


  • Update, Have gone thruogh Restore, and selected the E-Portal Server, using the + to expand the folder, there was no Sharepoint Resources folder, Have attached a screenshot of this.

    Kind Regards

    Tashfeen Khan