Backup Exec - Active Directory Recovery Scenarios
I am currently looking into creating a procedure for recovering AD under different scenarios:
- Total loss of all DCs
- AD corruption replicated throughout DCs
- Accidental Deletion -This can be done using the correct licence and GRT.
In this environment, all the DCs are Virtual.
I have looked at a few different articles but all seem to vaguely reference Microsoft KBs for further research and not be that clear.
As I look after a few different environments, I deal with different backup technologies. One of them (I don't know if I can mention the name) has one KB that covers all the above scenarios and is mostly done via the backup software with relatively little user input (there are a couple of reg edits).
Does BE offer similar functionality with AD restores being carried out primarily via the BE console with little to no user input? If so can you point me in the right direction for the KB?
You have to put the system into Authortitaive mode BE does not do that for you
BE just restores either the System State of the complete VM (either of which contain AD at a point im time) how you then make the result authoritatve is then an MS issue and you should look at MS articles for authoritative vs vs non-authoritative as we don't really write in depth articles covering concepts that are really the OS/Microsoft's
and yes for a Vm you would recover the complete VM (instead of the System State) but then take steps to put it into Authoritative before you let it communcate with other DCs (if you need the restore to be authoritative)