Forum Discussion

Kiran_Bandi's avatar
15 years ago

BackUp Exec 2010 Overwrite Protection

Dear all, Myself Kiran, joined recently with connect. I created a backup job which will take full backup of a client from Monday(1/06/2010) to Saturday(6/06/2010). And the requirement customer asking is next Monday(8/06/2010) backup should be overwritten in place of first Monday's(1/06/2010) backup. So the media should contain backups from 2/06/2010 to 8/06/2010. I configured media set daily with overwrite protection period of 6 days and appending period for 7 days. Which will not work with this requirement. So, please help me with the configuration. Tell me whether symantec backup exec 2010 supports this or not?
  • I tried it with BackUp-to-Disk.

    Created a media set TEST with overwrite protection period: 6 days

    Append period: 1 day.

    Created a backup policy and added 6 job templates.

    Scheduled one job for each day backup.

    Associated a selection list with it.

    Associated the media set TEST  with each job, not with the B2D folder.

    Then i tried takng two weeks backup.

    It worked absolutely fine.

    On eighth day first day's backup is overwritten, not total weeks.

    And not given any media overwrite protected error.

    If any of you have testing facility with tape test it and help me.


7 Replies

  • Hello,

    As far as I understood the clisnt wants 1 week rotation of the media, that is the Monday TAPE/Media must be overwritten on next Monday.

    Are you using 1 TAPE per day OR using a single TAPE for the entire week?

    If you are using one TAPE per day, set the media set properties as follows:
    1  : Append Period : 1 Day
    2  : Overwrite Protection Period : 6 days
    The TAPE in this media set will write data on Monday and will be protected till Sunday and on next Monday it will be ready for Overwriting.

    If you are using same TAPE for 1 week
    1  : Append Period : 6 days
    2  : Overwrite Protection Period : 1 Day
    The TAPE will be appended from Monday through Saturday and will be protected on Sunday. The following Monday the TAPE will be ready for Overwriting.

    Note : The Overwrite period starts AFTER the Append Period is Over.

    Hope this helps....
  • Dev thanks for the quick reply...

    We are Using one tape for the total week.

    Will the above settings keep next 5 days backup of the previous week on the media?

    Means on tuesday, last tuesday's backup should be overwritten..

  • Hello,

    Means on tuesday, last tuesday's backup should be overwritten...
    If you are writing DATA on an Overwritable Media, Backup Exec will not see whats on the TAPE, it will start overwriting from the all the Backups of the last week will be overwritten by a single job on Monday....

    Hope this helps....
  • I tried it with BackUp-to-Disk.

    Created a media set TEST with overwrite protection period: 6 days

    Append period: 1 day.

    Created a backup policy and added 6 job templates.

    Scheduled one job for each day backup.

    Associated a selection list with it.

    Associated the media set TEST  with each job, not with the B2D folder.

    Then i tried takng two weeks backup.

    It worked absolutely fine.

    On eighth day first day's backup is overwritten, not total weeks.

    And not given any media overwrite protected error.

    If any of you have testing facility with tape test it and help me.


  • Will the above settings keep next 5 days backup of the previous week on the media?

    Means on tuesday, last tuesday's backup should be overwritten..

    Sorry, no

    With tape, if you  do an Overwrite, it starts at the beginning of the tape and effectively does a "Quick Erase"  so all data on the tape is no longer available.   If you want daily backups available for more than one week, you would need to have more than one daily tape.  

    sorry DevT,  you already said that
  • Yes, Disk and tape backus work differently where Overwrite and Append are concerned

    What you have setup should work just fine