Forum Discussion

jwshipm's avatar
Level 2
12 years ago

Backup Exec 2012 Agent for Windows Server 2012

After upgrading a production server to Windows Server 2012, I found that the Backup Exec agent is not compatible with Server 2012.

I signed up to be notifed when the agent became available.  I am hearing dead silence.  Anyone have any news when an agent will be available?

I am sure I don't know all of the details but Server 2012 RC has been available for sometime, and now the actual Server 2012 is out..  Why is it taking so long for a compaitble agent?


  • In an earlier discussion, a Symantec employee said that there would be an announcement regarding Server 2012 soon.

19 Replies

  • BETA version announced, available late March! Can't wait till then, going to switch and dump Backup Exec. Too bad this company was bought by Symantec, support has been going down hill ever since. Only over a year after 2012 was available to manufacturers.
  • Found this by accident:- You need a machine with SC Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2, try to add your 2012 server as a host, it will try and then fail. Then you can back up your Hyper-V guests with BE12.5 or 2010 (these are the 2 I have tried). Strange but it's worked twice for me ;)
  • Installing BE agent on Hyper-V 2012 hosts and performing a standard backup for them works for me also (BE 2010 R3), even without SCVMM. Still, it is not supported, and it seems that it doesn't always correctly handle VSS. Also it doesn't correctly handle VHDX files. 

  • That's interesting, when I tried that I couldn't see the guest servers in the selection list.
  • Received this morning....

    We are fully committed to providing our customers with a high quality product for protecting their critical data.  To ensure that we meet these standards, we are adjusting the time frame for the availability of the Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP3 and Backup Exec 2012 SP2 beta software to May, 2013.  We completely understand the urgency to provide the latest platform support to our customers and are diligently working to do so with the highest quality product possible. 

    We thank you for your patience,
    Sagar Kamat
    Backup Exec Beta team


    At my workplace we have an internal joke. "It will be supported in the next version".
    In the beginning based on our CEOs answer if we suggested new features for our ASP platform.

    But the last years this joke is a company I have liked for many years, Symantec.

    I have worked with IT and hosting since 2001. In IT incidents and problems will happen.
    What do we do if our customers needs a new feature, an update to their accounting software with this years tax and vat percentages?
    What do we do if a server or network component breaks down?

    We work day and night until the problem is solved and our customers are happy.
    They need a working product today, not next year. And they hate big changes in UI ;)

    I believe that most Symantec products are used with products from Microsoft.
    Often very depentent connections exists between your products and their.
    It is too late to release your product when M$ releases their product to GA, the man in the street.
    A lot of enterprise and partners get the products long before that. And I believe that is a big part of your customers.

    It is far, far too late to use one year or more to support new M$ products.
    Our backup team holds on to BE 2010 after trying 2012. They hated it. I love new stuff, but I understand them.
    Why try to create the wheel instead of tuning the engine and add new features?

    Our Windows 8 clients was unsupported by SEP for several months until it finally got supported. So I had to put my security in your competitors hands for a while. Not good marketing. "What AV software are you using?" ... err normally SEP, but they don't support my new Windows OS.

    I hope you guys at Symantec manage to turn the tide. I hate to be a bitch and know most of the issues is "PEBKAC" in management. I like many of your products, when they finally releases.
    You should learn from the Dynamics CRM team, they release updates with both bugfixes and new feature every second month.
    And they listen to customer demands and wishes BEFORE they release stuff.
    Now they have just released an major update to their UI.
    Why aren't their customers screaming, like we see here with BE 2012?

    Because they listened to their users before doing major changes, so that when major changes happens, those changes are wanted by customers and are heartly welcomed.

    I hope that BE 2012 have learnt you guys at Symantec a lession and that BE 201x and other new products to come will be awesome. I hope you remembered support for Exchange 2013 and Sharepoint 2013 in your next update? You remembered that, didn't you?

  • Great! So it will be 19 months from the Developer Preview for Windows Server 2012 to a BETA (!) version of a Backup Exec version that will be able to back it up! Great! Symantec really screwed this. The beta should have been there early 2012 and the RTM in September 2012!

    This is really ridiculous. 

  • it's innaceptable !!! We move to Microsoft System Center 2012 Witch DPM for Backups instead of BEX2012...

  • Sounds like we are getting the big FU from Symantec. Server 2012 has only been released to the masses in both beta and official release for over 1 year. So what are companies who stay up to date with software releases supposed to do? I currently have a 2012 Hyperv server and a doc server that I have to backup. I am currently using Microsoft Server backup to perform this duty on both. And to think I was stupid enough to renew my BE 2012 agents support for another year. Hey Symantec a big FU back!!!