Forum Discussion

bwilliam's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Backup Exec 2014 HOTFIX 218257

After application of this hotfix through LiveUpdate, any/all incremental backup jobs of virtual machines acting as active directory domain controllers always end with exceptions with a resulting:  

"V-79-57344-38747 - Backup Exec was unable to prepare Microsoft Active Directory resources for Granular Recovery Technology (GRT) operations.  Therefore you will be unable to perform GRT-enabled restores of Microsoft Active Directory data from this backup."

If I run a full backup, no issues.  As soon as an incremental runs, this happens 100% of the time.  If I uncheck Active Directory GRT, no issues...both full and incrementals will run without issue, no exceptions or failures.

I know without a doubt it is because of this hotfix, as I have taken a completely clean lab environment and installed base Backup Exec 2014, and running a GRT AD full and incremental backup completes 100% of the time.  As soon as hotfix 218257 is installed, all the incrementals complete, but now with the above exception, every time they are run.

I have had a ticket with Symantec open for 3+ weeks now, we no engineer calling me back.  So at this point, I'm a bit fed up with Symantec's support and am hoping someone else is seeing this and has been able to solve it.  If push comes to shove I will just revert to doing straight VM backups with dedupe, and if AD gets messed up, I will just restore to last full + incrementals.

Our Backup Exec server is:

Windows 2008 R2 Standard
32 GB of RAM
Backup Exec 2014 V-Ray Edition, hotfix 218257 installed

Our VM technology is:

VMware vSphere 5.1 accessed via vCenter, update 2



20 Replies

  • I've got same error.

    If i do reboot AD VM, first time GRT backup pass with no error. But next backups full or increment finish with error V-79-57344-38747.

    Windows 2012R2 Hyper--V, AD 2012R2.

  • To date, still no fix for the issue.  It was thoroughly troubleshot and identified, and my ticket was escalated, but I have not heard from anyone at Symantec on the issue in a couple weeks, granted I was on vacation one of those weeks.  I sent an email asking for an update yesterday, but have heard nothing yet.

  • Hi.

    I have the same issue. Backup Exec running on Windows Server 2008R2, backing up a VMWare 5.1 U3 installation.

    After 1st reboot, GRT AD backup is fine. Afterwards, same problem.

    I'd be interested if there is any news on this probem.

  • I'm having the same issue and have opened a case with Symantec Support per the support arcticle TECH217612 (

    We'll see what happens.

  • Just so everyone is aware, there is a new service pack out for Backup Exec 2014, as of 9-22-2014.  It is NOT available via LiveUpdate yet.  In the release notes, it covers the exact problem we are experiencing, and is indicating that it is fixed.  I am downloading the it now, but as my ticket is still open, I am also emailing the engineer assigned as asking if this problem has indeed been addressed in the service pack.

    If I get brave and attempt to install it, I will report back to let everyone know if it fixes the problem (or causes others).

  • I don't see this listed in the release notes for SP1.  Am I missing something?

  • I reviewed the release notes and did not see this issue as one that is addressed in SP1.  Can you point out where you see this in the release notes?

    I worked with Symantec Support on this issue and they stated that the issue is not fixed in SP1, but it is a known issue and they are working to address it as it effects many customers.  As a workaround they suggest using an agent based backup of the host instead of backing up the VM through vCenter.


  • You're right.  We actually have 2-3 tickets open with them right now, and one of the issues is indeed fixed, but the specific subject of this thread is not.  So, the wait continues.

    We are still doing the VMware backup, but only have GRT enabled for files, and we're doing an agent-based backup of the same VM, but only grabbing the active directory stuff from the VM in question.

  • Hotfix 225092 is out, which is supposed to fix this issue.  I have installed it into one of our environments, and thus far a full GRT backup of an AD server completely successfully.  An incremental completed successfully as well, so I'm going to keep watching this but assume this hotfix did definitively fix the issue.